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They weren't able to eat or sleep well after that news. Their mind is all over the place. They also didn’t talk to each other. But until then, Mike decided to speak up.

“Are we really gonna stay silent like this?”, Amber asked.

“What do you want, Amber?”, Nowa asked.

“Bella needs us,” she said.

“Of course, we know that,” Nowa replied.

“We need to make up our minds. It’s not only for Bella. But so does everyone else.”

“Do you want to be the hero?”, Daniel asked.

“If that’s what it takes to save someone, then yes. We lost someone. And you want to lose another person? I only met you guys recently, so I didn’t know what happened in your mind but for me, one is enough.”

“What’s your plan?”, Daniel asked.

“We do whatever the professor wants us to do. But, we made Admiral Mika send his soldier with us. At least, we have a few people who’re good at weapons,” Amber said.

“Who wants to do this? Raise your hand,” Daniel said.

Amber was the first to raise her hand. Surprisingly, Mike also followed her. And then Nowa. Of course, she would. It’s for Bella after all. Daniel just went along since the majority were going. Even if the majority say no, he might consider going since again, it’s Bella. But Allan, he ignored everything.

“It’s okay. Let him be,” Daniel said to them.

They nodded. The next morning, they went back to the isolation camp to inform Admiral Mika about it, including their condition.

“Okay, I agree. We’ll give you some of the soldiers, to tag along,” Admiral Mika said. 

“And how long would it take for Bella to hang on?”, Nowa asked.

“As long as she can. The virus won’t activate until she drinks anything, but as you know, humans can go without water for about 3 days, at least. So the faster you get that ingredients list, the faster I can do the antidote for her,” said Professor William.

“How are you planning to send us there?”, Daniel asked.

“By our armored car for sure. But only until we reach the main entrance of Kuala Lumpur. We can’t go any further as the roads are ruined here and there, and also it got blocked by a bunch of other vehicles,” Admiral Mika explained.

“So, who are the soldiers that will tag along?”, Amber asked next.

“We’ll introduce them to you early tomorrow morning. Have a good rest. Eat whatever you want because starting tomorrow, we won’t be able to protect you as much as we can now,” Admiral Mika said.

They’re dismissed. It’s a huge responsibility when they need to get on the list, while at the same time protecting their life and their friends. 

That night, they eat their last dinner together with Allan since he insists on not going. He just kept on silent like usual. Not long after that, everyone gets back to the tent to sleep, but not Allan. He stayed in his seat, rethinking his decision. He wants to stay alive for Maya. He doesn’t want to put himself in danger anymore or else, he won’t be able to fulfill her wish. But then, he feels bad about having the others leave for a war with those creatures. He’s a real coward now. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder. It’s Daniel.

“What are you thinking about?”, he asked.

“Nothing, just don’t feel like sleeping.”

“Don’t lie. Your face tells me everything,” Daniel wrapped his hand around him.

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