Kusuo's First Day As A Host!

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It was after school now, and club activities were going to start soon. Good grief, my first day at a new school and my first day as a host. It's too much. Saiki's first day was interesting. Students are finding him very attractive, he's the talk of the school, and he somehow joined the Host Club! All this attention is starting to irritate the boy. He wants to go home but he has to go to his club. Stupid club, why must you curse me? Once he showed up to the club, he ended up learning the names of everyone through proper introductions.


"Haruhi." The psychic turns to the girl.

"Yes, Saiki-kun?" Haruhi replies. Kusuo tilts his head.

"How come you're in this club if you're a girl?" The whole club went silent. What, was that bad?

"Oh... well, if im being honest, I first joined this club to pay back a debt, but somehow I ended up becoming a host." Ah, so that's it. "But how did you know I was a girl?" Haruhi questions. Kusuo sweat dropped. Your physical structure gave it away.

"A hunch?" The psychic shrugs. Kyoya finds this suspicious. I'll have to alter his memory later.

"Wow, he found out as soon as Kyoya did." Kaoru states.


"Saiki, take off those glasses!" Tamaki points to Saiki. No, you'll die. Saiki shakes his head.

"Why not?!" Tamaki cries. The psychic ran through a list of excuses in his head before settling on one.

"I won't be able to see." He simply states.

"That won't be an issue! Mori!" Tamaki snaps his fingers. "Go get contacts from the nurse!" He orders. Mori nods and rushes out the room.

"Do I have to..." The psychic sighed.

"We can't have you serving guests with those glasses!" Tamaki exclaims. Wow, that hurt. "Mori will take you to the changing room so you can put in the contacts!" The psychic nods. Good grief, he's so loud. He reminds me of my dad.

When Mori finally returns, he brings Saiki to the changing room. It's been a while since I wore contacts. Last time I did, it didn't end well... The psychic thought while putting in the contacts. When he finished, he opened the curtain and stepped out.

"Mori-senpai, I'm done." Kusuo looked up at him. Mori nods in response. Is he blushing? The psychic tilts his head in confusion. Mori puts a hand on Kusuo's head and begins walking back to the club. Why did he pat my head... He decides to ignore it and follow behind the taller man.

Saiki opens the door and walks in, Mori following behind.

"We're back." The twins walk up to Saiki and stare at him for a few, long seconds.

"..." They're unusually quiet. Saiki flinches as Tamaki runs up to him at full speed and pushes the twins out of the way. Now this overbearing blonde guy was observing every detail of the psychic's face. Good grief, they don't need to stare like that...

"Saiki! You're adorable!" Tamaki cries. "Come to daddy!" Tamaki tries pulling Saiki into a bear hug. Hell no! Saiki jumped out of reach.

"Tamaki, let's not scare away our new host." Kyoya reminds.

"You're right..." Tamaki begins dejectedly. "Everyone! Let's get ready for our guests! They should arrive at any moment now!" And his spirit is right back again.

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