My grandmother who my family calls Yaya died of Breast Cancer Some years ago. Just something you should know before we start.
This takes place a few weeks after Jennifer the cat
The Dream:
My sister and I were home alone. She was upstairs in her room, probably on her phone, and I was downstairs in the kitchen, doing my math homework, at maybe like 5pm. I got a text message, And the contact name was Yaya. She was just asking me "Whats up?" "whatcha doin?" Something like that. I got really frustrated on my math homework, so I decided to go upstairs to my room and just play on my phone. I left the lights off since there was light shining threw my window. It got dark out, so it was pitch black in my room. I was too lazy to get up and turn the lights on, so i just laid there. all of the sudden, a voice coming from next to me, the same voice that said HEYY in Jennifer the cat, said "Did you hear about the man who came back to life in Paris?" In my dream, That scared the shit out of me so I tried to turn my reading lamp on (which is right behind me) but it wasn't working. So, I just screamed. Right after I screamed, I heard my sister yell from her room "THERES SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!!!"
The meaning:
During The time I had the Jennifer the Cat dream and this dream, I was an Athiest. I hadn't told anyone but my Small group of friends and Sister. A few days after this dream, Oscar and I hung out.
It was late, and Oscar only had 20 minutes before we had to drive him home. Him, my sister, and I were sitting on my front steps. We called Oscar's friend Tyler, because Oscar told us he was good with finding the meaning of dreams.
So, Tyler told us that me walking up the stairs symbolized that Yaya was in heaven, and the deep voice in both of my dreams meant that I was hiding something. I was hiding the fact I was an atheist from my parents. We looked up the Paris thing, and there actually was a man who came back to life in paris. And the Jennifer the cat thing, There was an owner of a cat, her name was Jennifer, and her cat survived falling down a tall building.
The scary thing is, the cat survivng thing happened after my dream occured. My dream basically told the future... anyhow, we thought that symbolized that miracles happen, and this all caused me, my friend, and sister to believe in god.
In the car, I admitted to my dad that I used to be an Atheist and my dream changed me. The next day, I told my mother.
And I didn't have another dream like that till wayy later.
Dream Journal
SachbücherHere is my Journal of dreams, every dream I remember from the past and every dream I have from now on. Also, if its from the past, I'll add the meaning, and later on if I find out the meaning to the dream, I'll add a new chapter and explain it.