So, right now I'm on my summer break, and I'll be going into 8th grade when school starts up again. My sister and cousin are going into 7th, and 7th and 8th are in the same school.
The dream:
So me, my cousin, and my sister are entering the middle school building and I showed them to their classes since I've gone there already and bleh and so I headed to my first class, world language, and all I remember is my class was full of trouble makers and they kept causing trouble the whole time and I just kinda sat there... lol
Thats it. thats all i remember hah dont know the meaning
Dream Journal
No FicciónHere is my Journal of dreams, every dream I remember from the past and every dream I have from now on. Also, if its from the past, I'll add the meaning, and later on if I find out the meaning to the dream, I'll add a new chapter and explain it.