Lisa is Missing

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Lisa pov

I was planning on overhearing the conversation going on between the Men's

So I first headed towards my room

Placed cushions at my bed in a order which made it look like a body was laying there and covered it with the blanket


??:What a mindset Priya what are you planning to do

I widened my eyes at my secret name and was gonna look back when suddenly I felt dizzy and I knocked out

Jennie:Lisa,Lisa,Lisa........(only silence answered her)



Jisoo:Did you talked to her

Jisoo coming out of nowhere asked them


Jisoo:What why

Jennie:Let me fucking complete-

Rose:Cause she's fucking missing

Jisoo:Wait Whatt?

Jennie:Seriously guys,you love to cut off me

Rose:There's no point of talking we need to tell this to Suga Asap

Rose said and Jisoo nodded

Jennie:I was gonna say that

All of them headed towards the Boys

Rose:What happened to your 'spying them'...

Jisoo:I did and oh MAN I got to know something that you guys should know but-

Jennie:Not now guys

They were now in front of the door

Jennie broke in

Jennie:We need to talk NOW

V:You can't intrude-


Jk and suga:WHATT

Rose:Yes so we need to talk now

Jin:Are guys sure she's missing,there could be a chance she's somewhere roaming in the palace

Jennie:We're sure we searched every corner

Jimin:But it could-owh

Jk pushed Jimin aside and headed outside

Everyone looked at him confused

V:I'll go

V said and left

There was silence for a moment

When tears started streaming down of the cat like eyes from a girl

Jennie:Now what do we do....Where could she be-

Suga hugged Jennie:Jennie calm down ok we're not sure she's missing and if unfortunately Lisa is missing then we'll try our best to find her

Jennie slowly nodded

Suga made her sit on the chair and looked at the people in front of him

Jisoo:What should we do now


V:Jungkook.....Jungkook list-Oh god

V was astonished seeing the sight in front of him

Books were scattered,Bed was a mess,Floor was filled with broken glass and other things

In total the room was a mess

V:Jungkook listen to me-....Are you out of your mind

V complained when he was just attacked by the vase thrown at him

Thankfully he dodged it


V:Nope I ain't going you need to calm yourself first

Jk:Taehyung I am not in the mood to joke around so get the hell out if you don't want to hurt yourself

V:It's not like you ever have a mood to joke.....Anyways I am not going


Jk said and sat at the bed


Saying that he accompanied him by sitting beside him

V:Sometimes you really make me pee on my pants

Jk just rolled his eyes

V:Can you smell her scent

Jk shook his head

V:So now that we're you think that L-I mean her kidnapping-

Jk:Isn't it obvious

V:But didn't we talked that out

Jk:And he didn't agreed

V:You could have used your powers to-

Jk:For satan's sake you know I couldn't do that what do we do now

Jk:We'll track her down

V:And how are we gonna do that

Jk just smirked with a knowing look

Jk:I'll make him regret his decision

V:Don't be too harsh like what you did to-

Jk glared at him making v shut his mouth


Jin:Finally you're here now tell us what should we do

Jk just stayed silent

When suddenly someone grabbed his collar

Jennie:Say something for fuck's sake,What kind security are you having in your kingdom that they couldn't protect us,Such a useless king with his guards

Jk held his hands and shove them away

Jk:Don't do this again

Jennie:Or what,What will you do,you can't even protect your fiance what kind of safety are we having then

Jisoo:Jennie calm down

Jennie:How can I calm down unnie my sister is missing and this guy who is her so called fiance isn't doing anything

Suga:We're finding a way she's my sister I can't lose her but we can't fight over small things our main goal is finding Lisa

Jennie:I am not gonna work with this asshole

She said and left

Jimin:What did he do that made her-

Suga:Don't mind her let's just seek for a way to find Lisa

V looked at Jk and he nodded

V:Ok so my lord has planned SOMETHING-


Hey wappzies

Hope you like it nothing else to say

Sorry for late update


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