The Call-Fire

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Fire and you are in the same class and also share the same hobby. Gaming. Every day you talk on the phone via FaceTime and play games. For a while now, it's not just gaming, but spending time together remotely.

Unfortunately, you fell too much for Fire and started to develop feelings for him. But you were sure that he only saw your friendship as a friendship.


You've just come home and thrown on some comfy clothes. Today was another exhausting day at school.

You were looking for your cell phone, which you had thrown somewhere between your clothes, when you heard your stomach grumble. You had been so hungry all day. After you found your cell phone, you made your way down to the kitchen.

Your footsteps were the only thing that could be heard in the house as your parents were still at work.

You found a few pieces of cold pizza in the fridge from yesterday when you sat down at the table with this plate and ate it.

You were lost in thought for a while, chewing on your slice of pizza, when a vibration jolted you out of your thoughts. You looked at your cell phone when you received a message from Fire.

You smile briefly as you quickly unlock your phone and go to your chat.

"What ya doing? I'm bored. Do you already have time to talk on the phone or not until tonight as usual?"

You didn't have to think for long as you tried to answer him with one hand, as you still had your pizza in the other.

"We can talk on the phone now if you want to watch me eat."

You assumed that he would text you back, but your cell phone started ringing. "Heyyyyyy... Enjoy your meal. I'm just about to eat too. My parents won't be home until later today and it's so damn quiet here." Fire started talking when you'd only been on the phone for a second.

You could see that Fire, like you, was also sitting at the table in the kitchen. He had placed his cell phone somewhere, so he had both arms free to eat his cereal. You just held your cell phone in your hand the whole time.

Just as you were about to go back up to your room, Fire was washing his bowl. Fire was so talented and managed to hold the spoon in such a way that he got his whole shirt wet.

While you were already sitting at your desk, Fire took you into his bathroom to change his shirt. You couldn't stop your eyes from looking at Fire's upper body. By now you were standing on his desk, where he always puts you to talk on the phone, when he walked through his room shirtless, looking for a clean shirt.

Your stomach was tingling again and you could feel your cheeks getting warmer, which is why you turned your head so that Fire couldn't see you.

When Fire joined your class 6 months ago, you would never have thought that Fire could turn your head like that. You were always the outsider in class, but Fire has made you lose that feeling. He took an immediate interest in you and sat next to you in class on his very first day. He said you were most pleased that he had gaming as a hobby, which is why he wanted to be friends with you.

You started talking on the phone late into the night every day. At some point, it wasn't just gambling, but you started to live together in a certain way, but long-distance.

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