Chapter 6: Friendship

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Soooo Chapter 6 is here! Sooo excited for this one! You'll see why! Kk enjoy!
Aqua P.O.V.
I cried as I remembered when I met Zoro as a little kid. I knew I shouldn't be mad at him because the jetpack ran out of fuel; I should be mad at the jetpack XD. One tear landed on the Wado Ichimonji and I wiped it off before Zoro noticed. I went outside to the tree house where Zoro rested and kept the swords behind my back. He had a worried look on his face.

Zoro P.O.V.
"Dammit! If I don't find those swords, I'm gonna be in big trouble!" I thought to myself. I saw as the pretty blue-haired girl walk up to me. Her hands were behind her back and I wondered if she was hiding anything. She walked up to me with a smile.
"Hey, you ok?" She said.
Me: "U-uh yeah. I'm fine."
"Hmm..I know you are worried about something. Mind telling me about it?" She asked. That tone of voice was familiar. Could it be her? (Aqua)
Me: "I-I just miss my swords." I said as a blush appeared on my face.
"Awww, it's ok. I hope these will make you feel better." Smiling she revealed what she had hiding behind her back. They were my swords! All three of them!
"I hope you can forgive me for treating you rough at first. I was just really excited for selling the strawberries and was furious seeing them being squashed. I can't bear to lose this place; La Aldeas. It's really a home for me." She said with a "sorry" look on her face.
Me: "It's ok. I understand; I'm sorry for ruining your berries. I want to make it up to you since you found my swords. Can I work at the farm for a while?" I asked as she smiled.
"Awesooome!!! Thanks!! And to make up for treating you badly. Can we start over?"
Me: "I think I would like that very much. :) Well then, my name is Roronoa Zoro fellow swordsman of the Strawhat pirates.

Aqua P.O.V.
I wondered at that name "Roronoa Zoro." When I first heard of it, (the first time Zoro met everyone in La Aldea) I didn't care because I was more focused of the money he owed us. But now, that name gets my hopes up. Could this be the man who trained with Kuina and me at the dojo? I asked him:

Me: Wait Zoro, when you were little did you happen to meet a girl with dark blue hair and you would challenge her to fight you?
Zoro: "Yeah, her name was Kuina." I gasped while I asked another question.
Me: "Did you also happen to meet a girl with lighter blue hair and would train with you but had to leave your island?"
Zoro: "Yes, her name was Aqua." He said while he stared at me with confusion. I laughed while he formed a huge smile on his face finally realizing it was me. "Aqua!!! It's really you!" He carried and spun me around.
Me: "'Bout time you realized, dummy!
Zoro: "So happy to see you again! Hey, how have you been doing as a swordsman?"
Me: "Correction: swordswoman."
Zoro: "Wait, what?"
Me: "I am not a man, I am a woman so I am a swordswoman!" Zoro looked at me and laughed.
Zoro: Ok,ok! How have you been doing as a swordswoman?
Me: "I've been doing pretty awesome! I'll show you later, but for now let's start working on the farm. I have a lot to teach you!" I said as I grabbed Zoro's hand and pulled him to the farm.

~That night~
Zoro P.O.V.
I learned a lot that day: how to pick strawberries the right way, how to fetch water, how to feed the animals, etc. I sat down on the "tree table" to rest while Aqua walked up to me and sat down.
Aqua: "Thanks for your hard work today, partner!
Me: No problem! So, what are we going to do tomorrow, partner?
Aqua: Well tomorrow, it'll be a bit different. We're gonna be going somewhere.
Me: "Just you and me? Where are we gonna go? Is it a date?" I asked smirking.
Aqua: "It's not a date!!!! What's wrong with you? And it's a surprise so get lots of rest, okay? Goodnight Zoro." She said as she walked away.
Me: "Goodnight, Aqua" ......"It's a date for sure" I thought to myself laughing.

~The next day~
Zoro P.O.V.
I dressed up to go to the mystery place that Aqua was going to take me. I wore a black T-shirt and my regular black trousers and haramaki. I looked at my swords; happy to have them back and relieved that Aqua kept them safe. I sat at the tree table where everyone was eating breakfast and joined them.
Everyone: Good morning, Zoro.
Zoro: Mornin' guys, where's Aqua?
Sacku: Oh, she's still getting ready. Come! Let's eat!
I tried some strawberry jam on a slice of bread and it was delicious; better than those of love cook's.

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