Chapter 15: protection

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Light stood infront of a  pillar watching over the royal family alongside 3 other jolteons who were royal guards like himself, the hall was bustling with noises as nobles socialized with each other, maids and butlers brought various delicious dishes and music filled the air.

" this is nothing like at back home when ava and I stood among crowds of mons during parades and live performances" he thought gazing over to the nobles and knights who were dancing with partners to the music.

"I cant see myself doing that" he laughed silently as he watched the mons dance gracefully in the middle of the hall.

A butler walked towards him, carrying a tray of wine on one paw, he took one and sipped at it before immediately regretting it as a taste of sourness came over his tongue.

"oh that's gross" he thought and placed the glass on a table. Just then king cinder walked towards him with a look of tiredness in his eyes.

" let me guess" light said gently" you weren't able to have a conversation with your wife to be"

"right on the target" cinder sighed" to think my future wife is such a fearsome lady. When she looks at me I can feel the fire in her eyes threatening to burn me to death"

"that's probably your imagination" he chuckled" the queen is a glaceon, im sure shes a well composed and dignified lady"

"I don't think the species will determine an eons personality" cinder replied, shaking his head" and I shudder to think how my life will be from this day onwards"

"my condolences for your loss" light smiled" I will visit you from time to time to give you company"

"this is not the time for your humor" cinder groaned.

"look on the bright side, you will have access to the delicacies of the glaceon kingdoms" light pointed" they say the glaceon kingdoms grows berries not found anywhere in the eight eon kingdoms"

Just then the glaceon queen walked over towards the two of them.

"greetings to you, your majesty" light bowed towards the glaceon who shook her head and smiled.

"no need to be so formal ser knight" she replied" it seems you are acquainted with my fiancé?"

"yes, me and light got to know eachother when the jolteons came to discuss affairs with my father" cinder replied for him.

Light noticed that the glaceon smile was forced when she spoke to the flareon" I see, and may I ask what the two of you were discussing before I interfered?"

" oh it is nothing of concern" he replied with a smile" I was just asking him how he liked the preparations I have done for our wedding"

"cinder really was right about the queens eyes" light thought" except they feel like cold daggers instead of burning fires"

Just then the chandeliers that hung from the roof suddenly fell down upon them and everything went dark. Screams and shouts could be heard as figures in disguises attacked them at all corners.

"its an enemy attack" light shouted, unsheathing his sword and getting in front of the two royalties. He had no idea where the royal members of the jolteon family where but trusted that the other royal guards would protect them.

Suddenly a figure slashed at him with its weapon and he was barely able to dodge the attack.

He immediately took out his sword and stood in a defensive position infront of the two royalties.

"are you two okay, you majesties?" he asked.

"yes" flake replied meekly, not being able to see anything.

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