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' I Woke up with shortage of air so I opened my mouth wide to take deep breaths, I saw the nurse panicking and bringing glass of water for me as I looked so afraid at the time!the nurse offered me water and I drank it . She asked if I needed more. I denied and told her it was nothing just a nightmare .'

(After ,..the nurse went back to her work)

' how the hell did that creepy guy came in my dream...!! Don't tell me he is going to be the reason for my upcoming nightmares!???'

(Jisung didn't sleep the whole night because every time he slept he heard the same thing from that guy's mouth)

(The next day when the doctor approached to him)

"Didn't you sleep well?"doctor asked.

"Um.. yes I had nightmares about how this all happened with me."I replied quickly.

"Don't worry it happens it will come in your habit."

"Yes doctor"I replied.

(The whole day went boring for jisung until someone arrived there.)

"Hey!,jisung!"Felix said smiling.

"Oh!hey!how was your day at school?"

"As boring as I thought it would be without you there. And yours?"

"Oh, same with me."

"Hey, did you sleep well?"

'jisung thought for a second and replied..'

"Yes I slept well and you?"

" I got a nightmare of how you were out of my house but after that I fell asleep again and it was the only nightmare I had, the whole night."



" Don't you think you should go home first ,your mom must be waiting for you."

"I told her I will come home once I meet you."

"Oh, thanks for yesterday!"

"Wasn't a big deal though, so you shouldn't thank me."

"How was my mom?"

"She was okay ,though she cried a little."


"Don't worry ,I made sure she eats her meal properly."

"Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience."

"No problem , we are friends by the way.okay I think I should go my mom is calling me if you feel bored call me or message me okay."

"Yeah sure!"

"Goodbye , I'll come here again ."


(Soon jisung laid back down and tried to take a nap and in no time he slept.)



"Why did we leave him ?"asked the black haired guy.

"Thanks to you. You beat him so hard that he needed a hospital cuz a single home doctor won't do.!" Said the underboss.

"Ohh.. I'm sorry." Replied the guy.

"So what are we going to do now ?"asked the guy again.

"I'll tell you once we have proper plan."replied the underboss."now go find another one(pray)."he ordered .

"Okay!!"replied all .


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