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"We have to take you in our custody right now."

'WHAT!???right now my heart is pounding so loud even I can hear it. What the heck!? Why do they need me? Did I do something!? Why am I myself unaware? Ohhh God! I am really afraid to even get up from here'

"W-what?"asked Han again if he'd heard something wrong.

"Were you the captain of the team with taemin?" Asked the officer again confirming if he was picking on the right guy.

"Y-y-yes." Replied Han

"Then we have no other option but you take you to custody and ask you few ques" replied the officer.

"Wait! Why?"Asked Minho concerned

"Because taemin's parents filed an FIR report that there child is lost in other words kidnapped and from what we heard till now is that Han is the one who met him the last time and so he replied his homeroom teacher that taemin had said he was going back to home as his mother was unwell and by the way his mother was fighting with us we don't think she was really unwell and moreover they said their child didn't comeback home that day."said the officer.

'Wow! Wonderful! Now it's like a cherry on top!' Thought jisung to himself

"Can't you do it here?" Asked Minho

"We have to follow the protocols" replied the officer handcuffing jisung and taking him out of the room.

"Do you still think he can runaway in the condition he is in?" Minho scoffed.

"Well, you are correct though but-" the inspector was now cut off rudely by Minho

" then, is handcuffing an innocent or injured also in your rules!?"said minho in a stern voice.

"Okay okay ! We aren't handcuffing him." Said the inspector taking off the handcuffs and putting them back into his pockets.

"Where will you take him!? Take me too!" Insisted Minho

Now the inspector was really pissed off.

"What if his temperature rises again?"said Minho

"We have the medics!" Replied the inspector

"Ohh and where actually are they? In your imaginations? I've never seen these stupid protocols."

"Kid!watch you're mouth!"

"Why should i? You are taking him with you to police station without even letting him know what he did wrong? Isn't telling his crime before taking a criminal to the police station in your protocols?"

"Hey! Kid!what's your problem?!"

"Nothing! I just want to know on what basis are you taking him there just see his face he looks like a cowered more than a criminal! Don't you understand that simple thing?!"

'Is he again making fun of me that bastard!!!!'

"What do you know?and how can you say that he is innocent?!"

"It's just written on his face if he was behind all this, don't you think he would have reacted differently ? I mean why would he let you handcuff him he would obviously fight back!"

"Okay then you can come with us I don't think you will leave this kid alone"

"Why would I? Can't you see he isn't well he is still standing with the support of the wall barely able to stand do you think he will even be able to walk!?"

"We know that and please can't you at least once not give stupid answers to us!"

(Minho didn't fight back he just walk straight towards jisung and held his shoulder in order to support him and took him towards the van and made him sit beside him in case his head struck on the door)

'Im feeling cold as well as dizzy'

'His temperature isn't right he is just burning with high fever! As the nurse had said earlier that he can get ill. Shit! I can't just take him to hospital at this moment too! I have to figure out something he can't answer there stupid questions at this moment!'

(Minho then took out his phone made a call to certain someone. After sometime the inspector received the call. It seemed he was getting scolded by someone. He apologised the latter and headed the van to the hospital immediately .)

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir! You can now take your friend to the school back" said the inspector.

"Okay then!" Said Minho smiling

(Jisung gained consciousness and was now ready to head to the school to take take their belongings back as his temperature was now neutral)

"Hey! Come let's go then if you are okay now" said Minho.

"Okay then!"

On their way down the lift.

"Hey! Where are the cops?"

"What do you think where should they be by now?"

"Don't tell me you killed them too"

"No stupid! Do you take me for a serial killer!"

"I mean no harm to them but if they aren't here and if you didn't kill them the where are they?!"

"They are back at the police station"


Minho nodded as the door of the lift opened.

"Did you tell them to go back?"

"No.you can say I did indirectly"

"What!? It's so confusing"

"Leave that thing and tell me why were you repeating the same word 'die' again and again at the park and then started hyperventilating?"

Han said nothing he had just blanked out at the moment all those things just flash backed in front of his eyes like a camera roll.

"It's okay don't tell me"

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