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Monday April, 24th, 2023.

It had been a full week since Grayson went back with Rachel. I've missed that baby more than anything. Me and Jacob have been getting closer than ever. I was debating on weather to ask if I could move in. I've been staying at his place for about close to a month now. I know time flies by, but it's been a hell of a ride. Whitney and Tyler went back to Whitney's house. Christen went back to Michigan to be with her family. I missed that girl a lot. Bry went back to her place. So it's really just been me and Jacob, and the dogs.

It's been quiet but also peaceful together. Jacob has been so helpful through everything. I've grown to understand everything about him, and know almost everything about him. His past tense, what he wants to be in the future and his family. His family is the sweetest. His sweet mama, who i grown to know is his absolute best friend. She's always been Jacob's favorite person. She understands him and is patient. His father is the coolest guy. I've just gotten lucky lately really. My life is filled with people I love the most.

I was making breakfast that was really just eggs bacon, and pancakes. I wasn't going to make a lot considering it was just me and Jacob. I finished making the food when Jacob walked in shirtless, just sweatpants on. I handed him a plate and he smiled at me softly. "Good morning pretty girl." He said in softest voice. "Good morning pretty boy. How'd you sleep?" I asked making my plate and he sighed softly. "Not so good, I kept waking up with a pain in my chest. I had a headache for almost 2 hours straight. But I did sleep good." He said trying to put a smile on his face but he looked so exhausted. "Are you okay?" I asked putting my hand over his forehead which was burning up. "Your burning up J. You need to drink some water, hold let me get you a wet rag to put over your forehead." I said calmly but a little worry in my voice. Jacob smiles softly but his face looked burnt up. "Thank you." He said putting the rag on his forehead. I grabbed thermometer and took his temperature. I waited until it beeped and looked at it. "Your normal for temp so that's good. After you eat, you can go lay down for a little bit and maybe take a nap and see if that helps." I said lightly kissing his cheek. He nods after rinsing his plate off.

He goes towards the living room and lays down closing his eyes. I sighed, this wasn't how I wanted my day to go. I put the TV on to Netflix and put Outer banks on for me to watch. I finished my plate and rinsed it off putting it on the towel to dry off. I decided to call Whit and see what they're doing today. After it rings a few times she answered. "Hey lovey, good morning." She said in her happy voice. I chuckled then sighed. "Hey, morning." I said sighing. "What's wrong?" She asked and I looked over to Jacob and he was sound asleep with the rag over his forehead. "Jacob isn't feeling good. He came to me this morning making breakfast and when I asked if he slept good, he said that he was feeling severe pain in his chest then said that he kept had a headache for 2 hours straight. So I checked his temperature but his temp was normal. But he was burning up and looked exhausted." I finished ranting and calmed myself down from getting worried again. I could hear her softly sighing on her end. "Okay, is he laying down right now?" She asked and i hummed in answer. "Mhm. He has a wet rag on his forehead right now. I just told him to sleep it off and hope that helps his headache go away, but I'm not sure about the chest pain he was feeling." I said in worry.

"Okay, it's okay. I'm gonna get ready and me and tyler will head that way to help. I'll run by the store and get some chest pain pads and hopefully it'll help with the pain. Just sit down on the couch and relax until we get there. I don't need you getting hurt or anything. If he wakes up, just try to rub his back or play with his hair until we get there. I love you." She said and i smiled thankfully. "You're the best Whit, I'll see you soon. I love you." I said and she hung up. I sat down beside him and put his head in my lap and softly played with his hair. I heard soft groans from him. "Mmmm, my head hurts. So does my chest." He says groaning and i lightly shhd him. "It's okay J. Whitney and Tyler are coming over and getting some things for you. You'll be okay." I whispered kissing the top of his head and he hummed in answer.

I waited 25 minutes for Whitney and Tyler and a few minutes later they showed up. Jacob sat up, i rubbed his back comforting him from the pain he was in. "Okay, so I didn't know what to really get but here's chest pain pads to put wherever it hurts on your chest." She says handing him a pad and he rips the opening and puts it directly on his chest. She gave him a pill for the pain also and he took that with the water I gave him. "I really hope this helps. Thank you guys." Jacob says hugging both Whit and Tyler. "Anything for you brother." Tyler says and Whitney smiles. "Y'all can stay, we don't have much to do today." I smiled at them and Whitney nodded. "Im down, we can watch outer banks the rest of the day." She said getting comfortable on the couch.

"Im gonna go live on instagram." Tyler said setting his phone up on the audamen. We nodded and got into the frame of the phone. "Hey guys." Tyler said seeing many people pop up on the screen. "How's everyone doing today?" He asks and then goes to read some comments. "Better now I'm seeing y'all. I'm happy to make your day better Katie." He said reading the comment. I read a few that were about me. "You're so pretty. Thank you so much." I smiled. "Is Jacob okay?" I read the comment, Jacob nods. "Im okay guys, just a little bit chest pain and headaches other than that I'm fine." He gave a thumbs up and then put his head on my shoulder. I put my hand in his hair massaging it softly. "Y/n and Jacob are so cute. Thank you guys, we appreciate all the love and support." I smiled reading all the comments about me and Jacob.

A few minutes have went by and Tyler decided to close the live. "Alright, guys that's gonna be it for todays live. I hope you're all having a good Monday. Love you guys!" He said as we all waved and then he ended the live. We chilled around for the rest of the day just watching netlix. I let Jacob nap on me for a good 5 hours, my big baby. I recorded a tiktok of the two of us. I played around with his hair and looked shin through the camera and seen him smiling. I finished recording the tiktok and saved it too my drafts to post sometime later.

Jacob got up softly to go use the bathroom. I went into our room and got ready for bed. Whitney and tyler decided to stay for night, I was brushing my teeth when I heard Jacob. "Babe?..... y/n?.... Where are you?" He questions from the living room. "In here J!" I shout from the bathroom and he walks in the room tiredly. He wraps his arms around my waist his head going in the crook of my neck. "You okay?" I ask spitting out the toothpaste and he nods from my neck. "I will be. I feel like shit tho." He laughs causing me to laugh. "You'll be better by the morning, i promise." I said kissing his head. He smiles against my neck causing chills to go down my back. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, besides Grayson. Don't ever leave me." He suddenly says confusing me. "What are you talking about 'don't ever leave me'?" I questioned and he sighed. "Im just afraid you'll get tired of me and leave me like half the people out there do." He says and i turn around looking up at him. "Listen to me, I'm not leaving you. You are the best thing that's happened to me in my life, I would never be able to forgive myself if I ever left you." I said chuckling at the end and he chuckled too. "Sounds perfect." He kisses my head laying down in the bed. I hope in shortly after him and we both fall asleep.

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