Valentine's day

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Over a month had passed since the little 'Christmas miracle', as Arthur and his friends liked to call it. But this miracle only seemed to last for the duration of the holidays because soon enough, the school bully Cassandra Vole was back to her usual self. She continued to isolate herself, was arrogant and rude. The only noticable difference is that she seemed to avoid both Arthur and his friends whenever possible and she even stopped picking fights with them.

This saddened Arthur, who thought that he had finally grown closer to Cassandra. Hell, he even KISSED her. But whenever he tried to approach her, she brushed him off or simply walked away without saything anything at all. So eventually he just gave up and tried to move on.

But he couldn't, not really. He had seen a side of Cassandra that he never noticed before: her soft side. He could hardly believe it himself and yet he truly believed that Cassandra was a nice person under all that harsh exterior. But perhaps he was wrong after all.

Arthur slammed his fist down on his desk. He could't concentrate on his studies, he couldn't even enjoy time with his friends when all he ever thought about was Cassandra. Her beautiful eyes, her smile, the taste of her lips... He even started to dream about her. "I should just forget her. She clearly doesn't care about me." he said out loud, trying to convince himself.

He checked his watch. His pocket watch, the one that Cassandra had given him on Christmas. It was beautiful, not just because of the precious materials it was made of but also since she was kind enough to have his house crest imbeded on the lid. He gently strocked the precious gift with his thumb, he wore it every day and took good care of it. How could someone like Cassandra gift him such a precious thing? Did it really mean nothing?

With a loud sigh, he opened the watch only to discover that it was already 3 pm. Charms class with Professor Flitzwick had just started! "Shite!" he yelled and rushed out of his dorm and into the halls of Hogwarts.

It took him about 15 minutes until he finally burst into the classroom. He had fallen and tripped quite a few times and now there were several parts of his body that hurt. Professor Flitzwick wasn't happy of course and began to reprimand him. "I expect every student to make it on time." he said.

"Yes Professor, I apologize." he quickly shot a glanze over to the place where Cassandra usually sat. There she was, the strongest and prettiest witch in Hogwarts. And she didn't even acknowledge his presence, not looking at him at all. Just as she did for weeks now and it hurt him more then he cared to admit.

"If you don't want to lose points for Hufflepuff, perhaps you can show the class what we learned last time, hm?" asked the Professor. Arthur breathed a little sigh of relief, at least this one was easy for him.

"You really aren't taking this well, aren't you?" Robyn asked him later during lunch in the Great Hall.

Arthur actually didn't wanna talk about Cassadra right now so he ignored her question and just ate his sandwich. "Hellooooo earth to Arthur." Robyn waved her hand in front of his face.

Ivy frowned and reprimaned her. "Let him be, he is just a little lovesick. And it doesn't help that Valentines day is just next week."

"Oh... that." Robyn sighed. "Sorry. I know you saw something in Cassandra... but... I mean, I told you it wasn't going to end well."

"There is nothing wrong with seeing the best in people, Robyn." Ivy scolded her whilste pouting. Her pouting face was the ultimate weapon that no one could resist. Robyn apologized to Arthur but he just waved it off.

"You were right. I was naive."

"Don't be like that. Besides, with Valentines day approaching I am sure you will find a nice date and who knows? Maybe she will make you forget about Cassandra." was a suggestion from Lottie.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Cassandra Vole x OC)Where stories live. Discover now