Chapter 9. The next day.

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The next day, in class you were so tired

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The next day, in class you were so tired. Mina had caught on and asked what was wrong, you just replied
"I'm good, I just stayed up late watching a film" it wasn't the whole truth, but it was partly the truth. She caught on but didn't want to push it more, yesterday was a rough day for everyone.

You turned around in your seat when you heard Mina ask you and Tsu who the teacher might be. You pretended like you didn't know that he was coming in and just hummed questioningly as if you were guessing
"Me aizawa still in the hospital recovering from his injuries" tsu said. And just like that. The door burst open and who walked in? Mr aizawa of course.
"MR AIZAWA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" Most of the class asked in sync, it was pretty funny.
"MR AIZAWA IM GLAD YOU'RE OKAY!" Iida stuck his hand up and exclaimed
"You call that okay?" Ochaco asked, concerned.
"My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

This confused you, your eyebrows knitted together, he never said anything like that last night, and suddenly you thought back to what shigaraki said, and just told yourself it wasn't true.
"Our fight?" Bakugo asked, just as confused
"Don't tell me.." izuku trembled
"NOT MORE BAD GUYS" miners shrieked and your face scrunched up, does he even want to be a hero, why is he here if he does nothing but act like a scared little child.

"The UA sports festival is about to start" he says. Your eyes widen and you grin like a Cheshire Cat.

"YES!!" Kirishima yells, jumping out of his seat.

"WHY WOULD YOU SCARE US LIKE THAT?" The class asked in sync, again, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"LETS GO KICK SOME ASSSSS" kirishima yelled again
"Wait a second" Kaminari interrupted, shoving his hand on Kirishimas face.
"Is it such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?"Jirou asked, she had a good point
"They could attack while we're all in the same place" ojiro added
"Apparently the administration this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer then ever plus they're beefing up security compared to past years, this event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA it's not something we could cancel because of a few villains"
Mr aizawa said back to the class.
"Uh I'm sorry but why not-" mineta started to talk, but you werent having it anymore, he was giving you a headache and you were already tired.
"Can you just be quiet, for one second and let him talk?" You said and Mina agreed "mmm hmmm" and whispered to you "you ate that by the way" you winked and smiled at her.
"Mineta, don't you know how important this is?" Izuku said
"Of course I do, I just don't wanna get murdered!" Mineta squealed
"I'm surprised you haven't been murdered already" you replied back at him, making bakugo chuckle and agree and tell him to shut his face.

"Our sports festival is one of the most popular events in the entire world" he continued to talk about it and ended with saying how every pro hero would be watching
"That's right, this is where you get scouted!" Momo says, raising her fist.
"She's right, after graduating, a lot of people joking pro agencies as a sidekick!" And Jirou took that as another chance to make fun of him. It made you laugh and she smirked at you and he gave you a betrayed look.
"... and that means you better not slack off on your training. Class dismissed."

Everyone went to their groups for the breaks and you told Mina you'd be right back you just had to speak to mr aizawa
"Did nemuri find out you snuck out?"
"No" you say looking down
"Hey, I meant what I said last night okay, I won't leave you, I know you see me as a father figure and your the closest thing I have to a child, other than my cats."
You chuckled and nodded as you walked back over to Mina,
"Hey what was that about?"
"Going over to mr aizawa, are you sure everything's okay?" And you couldn't hold it anymore, you told her about what had happened last night and what you had said and she hugged you, you guys hugged a lot, I guess it's just your love language.

You decided to join talking with kirishima and Sero as Mina went to talk to talk to tsu.
"EVERYONE IM GONNA DO MY BEST!!!" She said, looking a little crazy and everyone put up their arms and tried to go along with it
"Yes you are girl!!" You hyped her up
"WOOOOOOOOO IM GONNA DO MY BEST" she said and she turned away, you put your hand to your face as you started laughing.

As everyone left the class room for lunch you secretly pulled out your phone and texted shinso to meet you, you weren't allowed to have phones in school but being in different classes in a big school, it's not very easy to find each other. He texted back saying he'd be there but probably not for the whole time since he'd made soem friends in his class, and you said you didn't mind if he went with them for the day and you could just text or call later.

So you hummed and got in the lunch line, not noticing Shoto was infront of you until you looked up and saw his hair.
"Oh hey sho." You said and he turned around
"Y/n" he nodded down to you and showed you a small smile.
"Hey we haven't hung out in a while, what are you doing after school today?" You asked him
"Nothing that I know of, would you like to come to my house for dinner? I'm sure Fuyumi will be happy to see you, she even asked about you after the attack, and I'm sure my father will be pleased to see you too, if he's there."
"Yeah sure, I'll tell my aunt, should we go straight there or do you want to go home and meet after?"
"I'll take you back to my home after school finishes. And then our driver can take you back some time after dinner."
"Sounds perfect" you smiled up at him as you both got your food and sat down with some people in your class, once you'd eaten and went back to class, it was just boring maths for the rest on the day. And when the last hour came up, you felt relieved. You had collected your bag and Shoto walked by your side as you went to leave, a mob of people from other classes blocked the door way, startling you and Shoto, and you stood there for a second looking at eachother, as if you were communicating through your eyes.
"Um why the heck are you all here?!?" Ochaco asked just as alarmed as you
"Do you students have some buisness with our class?" Iida asked politely, probably trying not to make any of them mad
"WHY ARE YOU BLOCKING OUR DOOR WAY, I WONT LET YOU HOLD US HOSTAGE" mineta stressed once again, and rolled his eyes.

You could feel staring behind you and turned around, it was bakugo, he walked past, nudging Shoto's shoulder
"They're scouting out the competition, idiots we're the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes. Atleast now you know what a future pro looks like, now move it extras!" As he said that, iida, Ochaco and izuku went crazy.

"So this is class 1A" ..hold on, you knew this voice "I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass, is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?" He asked. What. The. Heck. He could not just attack your class like this, you walked, Shoto followed "who is he" Shoto asked and you turned your head while walking "shinso" you replied quickly. You walked over and raised your brow to see if he'd continue after seeing you "it's sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs" he locked eyes with you "not all of you, y/n, your nice, you shouldn't be around these narcissists" you were shocked, your eyes widened and you laughed in shock "I mean, I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track such as life, I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have a chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course and they'll have to transfer people out to make room, scouting the competition, and I'm here to let you know if you don't do your very best im stealing your spot, consider this a declaration of war"
"Y/n your really friends with this bastard?!?" Bakugo asked starting to get mad
"Not anymore." You looked up at him, you couldn't let him insult and threaten your class, and put you in the spotlight, saying your hanging out with narcissists.
You rolled your eyes and jerked your head to the side to Shoto to signal you wanted to leave, he nodded back and followed you out as you walked behind bakugo.
"DO NOT IGNORE ME" the guy from 1B shouted
"Dude you gotta say something, it's your fault their all hating on us bakugo!" Kirishima said to bakugo "these people don't matter, the only thing important is that I beat them."
Shinso watched you walk out as you called your aunt and called her to let her know you were staying at shotos for tea and she was happy to hear it, saying you hadn't been there in a while and you and Shoto could be a power couple. You told her it wasn't like that though.

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