Chapter I - Those Who Seek...

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         " You've got to be kidding me, Lily..."

The smile of heartfelt excitement had quickly fled Jessica's face, leaving behind trails of genuine disbelief & even disappointment. Where just half a minute ago a joyful glow had filled her eyes there were now dozens of questions in every blink, aching to be asked all at once if possible, but for now she chose to restrain herself.

" THAT'S where you've been working at for the past few months?? "

" That would be the place, yes... " Lily replied with a tinge of sobering in her voice, a subtle shrug to her shoulders.

            " Sorry if I shattered your illusion, Jess. Though I too was hoping that you'd be a little happier for me. Especially since I've been looking for a job around this godforsaken city forever. You know how much I've been struggling... "

" Well... I mean... Yeah, I get that, but... You know, it's... You know-- "

" No, I don't know... But feel free to enlighten me. "

              " It's just that, ever since you moved to Hurricane & started taking these super expensive singing lessons & visited like a thousand astronomy courses, I was convinced you'd eventually end up at the Broadway or at NASA... Not the local pizzeria. "

A cold autumn breeze struck Jessica's face, causing her long blond mane to engage in a wild dance around her pretty features, & she had to use both hands to keep her hair in place.
" A pizzeria for children of all things. I mean, you don't even like children! "

" People of all ages come there to eat, not just children. It's a place for the whole family. "

" Even worse. Annoying moms & these modern anti-authoritarian dads, their noisy little brats running all over the place, touching & grabbing everything with their sticky cheese fingers & screaming until your ears bleed. Sounds like a keeper of a job... "
Jessica eyed her friend with a slightly tilted head, scepticism written all over her face.
" Come on. Even you have to admit that this doesn't sound appealing at all. And certainly not to someone with your peculiar interests. You are almost 32. You should go for a job that truly fulfills you ~ ".

             Lily leaned back into her seat with a sigh, averting her eyes from her friend of two years to gaze out the window of her car; they were still in the parking lot of Jessica's university, waiting for the heavy rain to stop. The gentle pitter-patter had transmogrified into thunderous drumming, the rain drops crushing into the car roof like bullets. No matter where she looked, the horizons showed no sign of improvement, the curtain of black & grey hanging ominously low in front of the stage of the world. Oh, how she missed the seasons of her home country...

" I'm no one special, Jess, nor do I possess any noteworthy skills. "

             " Besides your gorgeous voice, your award-winning writing abilities & beautiful photography. Nice try though, Lil ~ "

" I mean skills that are in any way relevant in this modern day & age. As far as earning money goes these skills haven't really gotten me very far... " She pulled a small mirror from her purse & flipped it open, analyzing the pale face with thin beige lips & for this casual day almost a tad dramatic smokey eyes that stared back at her with expectation, part of her mind already occupied with mentally preparing for the next couple hours. " This job will help me get some distraction, keep my cozy little apartment & - most importantly - me from having to move back to Norway... "

            " Right, " Jessica rested her arms against the steering wheel, " yet another part of the story I simply can't wrap my head around. I mean, why leave a country that you loved so much in the first place? Where you had everything, including your own house & ... what was it again... three cats? "

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