Prologue Part II - [Procedure]

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" Venter du på mig i skyggen?
Skal jeg følge de skjulte spør? "

(Are you waiting for me in the shadow?
Shall I follow the hidden trails?)

[ Danheim - Skugga ]


          An air of silence befell the living room in which Mike & Lily had chosen to spend the rest of their evening together; an evening that had most recently taken a rather drastic, unexpected turn, & not necessarily for the better...

Mike's dark brown eyes, wide with both curiosity & bewilderment, incessantly rested on her guilt-ridden face ever since the name William Afton had slipped from her lips, wouldn't even change their course when she decided to avert her own. She looked aghast, somewhat disheartened even, both her hands now in her lap where her fingers slowly intertwined with one another while his own remained abandoned. He could still feel the ghostly traces left behind by her mere touch on he back on his hand...

What had caused her to withdraw like that?
Why was she so visibly distraught all of a sudden?

               " Lily? Are you alright?
What... what do you mean, 'it has to do with William Afton'? "

She would not look up, not even briefly to acknowledge that she had heard his question. Instead her eyes remained fixed on her hands, restlessly fumbling around as though attempting to find something they could grab & hold on to, however only cold air would slip between her fingers.

Still recovering from that overwhelming feeling within her chest Lily heaved an audible sigh, head dropping forward as the memories of the past minutes started to evoke gnawing feelings of guilt.

            Was she truly about to boldly go behind Afton's back, cast the blame on him & reveal all the things he had shared with her in absolute confidence - every memory, ever little secret, every valuable part of his life -, after everything he had done for her in such a short period of time?
After providing her with the job opportunity of a life time, right beside none other than himself - the infamous William Afton; a position most people her age - & most definitely with her lack of qualifications - could only dream of?

            After opening up to her so blithely about his most intimate desires & intentions; his plans to save Elizabeth's life, his secret experiment involving his deceased wife & the animatronic Mangle? After not only allowing but faithfully asking her to continue his work with Springtrap, a creation that appeared to be of as much value to him as Alrekr had once been to her?

           After proclaiming his deep, genuine admiration for her without so much as an ounce of doubt & in a way that had felt to sincere, so truthful...
So raw?

' It is your trust I want & need.... In its purest form.
I ask you to have faith in me... To work with me...

That, whatever secret, no matter how bizzare, will remain between us. Come what may ~'

            Closing her eyes Lily took a long breath & slowly shook her head as to express disapproval to herself, along with disappointment IN herself. She couldn't fathom just how dangerously close she'd been to betraying him, his trust & - above all - Elizabeth's safety. Her well-being.

                    Her life.

" Listen, Mike. Forget what I just brought up. I mean, all of it. I haven't slept all that well the past few days myself & there was a lot going on. I... I don't know what I'm saying... "

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