Chapter III - How To Drown, Breathing...

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content warning:
!smut/ explicit sex / oral sex / loss of virginity!


           Stunned silence engulfed the young woman dressed in nothing but a white bathrobe & slippers upon entering William Afton's bedroom on the upper floor, a silence briefly disrupted by the gentle thud of a door falling shut behind her, unworthy of even a piece of her attention. Only three full steps away from the door Lily had come to a freeze, eyes barely able to marvel at everything in front of them as they eagerly darted around the gargantuan room - & in this context 'gargantuan' entailed no more, no less, than the entirety of the third floor.

From down where she stood, the A-framed ceiling supported by multiple sturdy wooden beams above their heads appeared far away, literally unreachable, the two ladders on either side leading to what looked like two separate balconies adding even more dimensions to an already ridiculously spacious loft. Numerous bookshelves decorated the two balconies that so happened to be connected by a bridge at the centre, right in front of a round window big enough to flood every corner of the room with sunlight throughout the day.
Dark purple carpets graced the floor while crimson curtains fell from the window near the ceiling like waterfalls made of silk, framing a king sized bed on the opposite wall that, compared to the massive room, appeared almost tiny. Dozens of cushions as well as several layers of satin sheets lay piled up on the bed, looking untouched from afar; they were most likely brand-new.

Several pieces of furniture carved from the finest, darkest wood adorned the room, one of them being a long & two-branched Victorian sofa near a fireplace in the right corner, surrounded by paintings on the wall; a certain painting caught her attention right away due to the fact that she'd already seen it in his dining room before - Caspar Friedrich's famous "wanderer above the sea of fog".
The fire crackled peacefully in the pit, various candelabra with their flickering flames provided the room with the most flattering shadows & contours. A glass table beside the end of the bed carrying an antique wind-up gramophone was Lily's personal highlight, although she couldn't deny that the sight itself caught her by surprise. She never would have expected to find something like this in Afton's house of all places.

           Everything was so neat & tidy here, not just in his bedroom but literally anywhere within Afton's mansion, not to mention beautiful. Obviously what she was looking at was, above all, the result of unimaginable amounts of money - for a person with her status & laughable monthly income anyway -, but of deep thought & creativity as well. The choice of different colours, along with the graceful structure of the room & devoted attention to every single detail that created the final picture impressed her so much that, for a quite long moment, Lily actually forgot why Afton had brought her up here in the first place.

" This... All this... It's marvelous, Mr. Afton. "
She felt like using far bigger words to paint her thoughts, however clearly failed to think of any as her first impressions rendered her speechless.
Turning around she saw that Afton - who, much like her, was clad in a bathrobe - had come to a halt no more than two steps away from the door, the messy strands of taupe hair in his forehead still dripping with pear-resembling drops of pool water that fell into his mature face, slowly paving their own path through the maze of facial hair.

His lips, slightly parted, curved into a weak smile.
             " Back to being formal, I see... "

Lily held her breath, a faint flush of red settling on her porcelain cheeks.
" I fear I... have yet to get used to this... "

" I do not blame you, " he hummed as a soft chuckle vibrated in his throat. " That rational part of you... Your brain, the voice of reason... will always try to silence the voice of the heart. "

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