Chapter 10. Shotos house

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(How shinso had you feelin after pullin all that shit😔)

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(How shinso had you feelin after pullin all that shit😔)

You walked with Shoto and told him that your aunt said it was fine that you went to his house as she wouldn't be home till late anyway, he told you that fuyumi was excited to see you, making you grin.

The driver picked you up and you both talked about what just happened with the other classes, and he asked how you knew the purple guy, why he mentioned you, you told him that he was a friend and that you never thought he would do something like that, but maybe you just didn't know him well enough.

"I never knew he was like that, I thought he was different." You said feeling a little betrayed and confused. Your phone started to buzz and you realised he was texting you. You had muted him as he continued to text and called you.

When the driver pulled up to shotos house you took of your shoes and placed your bag next to shotos. fuyumi squealed and hugged you as she welcomed you back into their home and you two chatted chatted, catching up on everything, and Shoto watched you two talk with a small smile.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" You asked
"No it's my pleasure really, you go spend some time with sho!"

While you two spent some time just talking in his bedroom, you felt happy, it was a while since you'd done this last and you missed your friend, he also asked if you'd start training with him again as the sports festival was coming up. You agreed of course and when dinner was ready fuyumi called you to the kitchen and endeavour had arrived

"Ah y/n, it's a pleasure to see you again, my apologies for not being here to greet you when you first arrived"

"It's no trouble, really, thank you for allowing me to come over!" You say politely. When you were younger endeavour proposed an arranged married between you and Shoto to your father, which he denied, because he wanted you to fall in love your own way, and then your aunt too, but she refused too. You and Shoto never actually found out though.

When you all had ate you asked it you could help with the dishes because you felt like you should help.

And fuyumi agreed, so you washed, Shoto dried and fuyumi put them away. It was a good time until it was all done and it was time to leave. It was around 7 pm, starting to get late so endeavour had called for their driver to take you home. You had thanked them all, especially fuyumi for the food, and hugged fuyumi and Shoto as you walked outside to the car. While you were In the car you felt your phone buzz more than once, it couldn't be shinso? You muted him.

You picked up your phone and it was bakugo, you'd saved everyone's numbers from the gc but never texted bakugo before.

'Hey spidey'

'What's the deal with you and icy hot'

'What?😭' you replied back to him.

'Well is he your boyfriend or not?"

'No? He's a family friend, why?'

'Doesn't matter'

'I'll see you tomorrow I'm going to sleep'

'Your going to sleep? Boy what it's just turned 7🧏‍♀️'

'Well I can't when you're messaging me'

'you messaged me first😭'


'Oh btw'

'I thought how you stood up to those other classes was pretty cool today'

Hearing this from her made him smile a little, he didn't know how to feel, it was ..unusual for him to feel like this for someone.

'I'm always cool'

'😈 this emoji is literally you'

'Oh hold on I'm home
I'll text you back in a second'

You got out of the car and thanked the driver as you typed in the code for your gate and walked inside your home. Your aunt wasn't home, because she was on patrol, so you decided to just go straight upstairs.

'Finally backkkkk, I'm so tired😩'

'Then you should sleep'

'Your right'

'I think I'm actually gonna do that'

'I'm always right'

'Okay bakugo goodnight😭'

You say as you swipe off his contact and see 10+ messages from shinso and a few missed calls. But you didn't care, you were too tired to care so you got into bed and went to sleep. You would just have to deal with it tomorrow.

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