unusual surprise

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Author's pov (taehyung's side)

It was shinny sunshine, Bird 🐦 were shouting mostly feel like singing.weather was clear and sky was blue with cold breeze.
So taehyung was in his first year of college and now his going to take his final exam.

Mama? Mama..... . Soft voice came out from the room. Yes my son what's up with you today why are you shouting bby.said tae's mom .mama yuh know na today is my exams but i can't find any comfortable clothes.he said with cute poute.oh my boy wait me there im coming in 2 minutes.
So mrs kim first went to her room and open her drawer.she took a brown bag and went upstairs where taehyung's room was.she knock the door.coming said tae.ohh mama it's you why did you knock.mrs kim bby i have a manners . but mama this is your tae tae's room na.said tae .mrs kim oki tae know take this and get ready.

Taehyung was wondering what was in those bag and suddenly asked.mama what is this and why are you giving me.mrs kim. Do you remember week ago yuh told me u are having exams. Uhh umm.. after remembering. Yes.. said tae .so I thought to give you a surprise after exams but it happens that my son is having difficulties in selecting clothes so..i decide to give this clothes to u know.. said mrs kim.awww mom you are best thanks but sorry i ruined your surprise 😞 tae said with sad puppy eye.
Ahh it's okay bby aren't this was for you after all.. Know quickly get ready or else you will be late n yeah I'm going to make your favorite strawberry milkshake so come fast.
Yesh yes i will be coming in 5min.
After telling this mrs kim went out of the room and went to the kitchen and taehyung went to take a quick shower.

In jk gaming company

Sir please check this out we are working on new games .. said one of the stuff.
Hmmm it's quite creative but i want our company should be the best gaming company of the year.. said the owner of the company.. yes jeon sir rest assured i will work hard on this. Stuff said with terrified tone. Well little bit stuff knew that jungkook was in a quite good mood today so he didn't said much and leave from the office.
Times Skip

Jungkook has already finished all the paperwork of his company and thought of calling namjoon but after thinking a while he drop the thought of calling namjoon so he just went out of his office and went down to the parking area where his car was parked.
    As soon as he was about to went inside his car.. shit where's my car key damn i forgot inside my office... What should I do.umm. said jungkook. After thinking a moment he call namjoon...

Jk 📱 hello hyung .

Rm 📱 yes jungkook what happened.

Jk 📱ahh I forgot my car key inside the office so can you bring for me.

Rm 📱yes just wait for 2 minutes
        Hang up....

Well jungkook is not rude or cruel with his members because they are like family to him. He respect namjoon because he is older than him and also consider him as his hyung

        After 2 minutes

Jungkook was waiting for namjoon..
Hey jungkook.. jungkook turn around and Saw namjoon coming towards him he was holding some files. Jk oh hyung what's this file about. Rm ah Yes here's your key and this file is about the new game which we are going to launch in few months. Jk hmm ok so give me i will look through it. Rm oh yes why not so I'm get working and drive safe to home. Jk hmm.. both of them left from there.

Taehyung's side
After taking a quick shower he came out from the bathroom and went near his bed where he placed the bag which his mother gave him. Let's see what mama bought for me.. said tae . His eyes lighten up when he saw her Mom brought his favorite Gucci white shirt with blue jacket  and black  jeans ( I dono the combination so just take this😁😁) .    Taehyung's look..

Wow..😲  this looks good on me hmm I'm kinda cute😜.. said tae. After wearing clothes and praising him self he ran down to have breakfast.. mrs kim why he's taking so long to have breakfast ... As she finished those sentence she saw tae coming down.  mama how do I look. Said tae with cute poute.mrs kim with loving 👀eye. Awww my boy you look adorable.
        Ahh😁ignore my mistakes coz it's my first story..I hope you guys will support me.let me know if you need anything else in this story.as we all know we love taekook so i will give there cute moment in this story.plz once again vote.byee lovelies..💜💜

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