part 2

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After giving tae compliment Mrs kim went to bring tae's favorite strawberry milkshake.
She brings the milkshake and put on top of the table near tae and said taehyung listen as you said today is your final exams so concentrate on your paper and do best in every paper ok. Tae, thank you mama i will do my best.mrs Kim, yes that's like my boy ahh pass my best wishes to my chim chim.
Tae, mama you mean jimina...ahh ok don't worry anyways his my best friend i also have to give my best wishes to him. Mrs kim, ok ok Finnish your breakfast and then go to college or else you will be late.

Time Skip's

So after having breakfast tae directly leave for college and was waiting for his best friend jimina.. tae, aish this boy why again late.. after five minutes jimin show up in a stylist look .. jimin ,hiii tae sorry for being late actually i was choosing clothes to wear..
Tae, it's not like you are being late for once but god knows for how many wonder students are saying you are the most stylist boy in our college.
Jimin, ohh man doy you also agree ?
Tae, who can deny!
Jimin, no its not like that.
Tae, ok fine let's get going aren't we are already late enough.
Jimin , oops men I forget hurry up.
Both went running to the exam Hall as they were bit late so teacher already has been distribute the papers to other students. So they went and ask themselves the exam paper and spare sheet and went to there seats.

Other side

Jungkook leave for his mansion after namjoon gave him the key .. after driving for an hour he finally reached at his mansion gate and one of his bodyguard open the the gate for him.he park his car in front of the mansion .. well his mansion was hella big and beautiful... After parking he came out and went inside all his bodyguard bowed him in orderly manner. He sat on the table and her maid serve him the lunch.
Jk, ahh listen while calling her maid and said where is suga he was supposed to be here with me ..
Maid said in fear,sir he told me that something urgent came up so he will not be able to have lunch with you and he said that he will meet you at dinner tonight sir.
After hearing this jk raised his one eyebrow and said did anything happen again.
Maid was sure enough that jungkook hate to be ignored so she said sir_r i-i don't kno-w.
Jungkook was so annoyed that he smashed his hand on table and stand up from his chair without having his lunch he went to his room and decided to call suga.
Suga, hello jungkook
Jk,yes what's going on you supposed to be here aren't you
Suga, yes jk but can you please listen to me first.
Jk, explain
Suga, actually the thing is that a stuff of jk gaming company has sold our new gaming model plan to Jackson gaming company.
Jk, what? how did it happen and why are you telling me this know .
Suga, well its been a while i came to know about this so i didn't inform you.
Jk, but this is serious case I want that bastard here in any condition.
Suga, don't worry I'm already out side of his house.
Jk, ok but don't kill him know I will give him painful death.
Suga, don't worry I won't .
       Hang up..📱

Other side

After finishing there exam taehyung and jimin came out from the exam Hall.
Tae, jimina let's go home and have our dinner at my place.
Jimina, hmm good idea actually my parents won't be at home tonight.
Tae, really so you can stay over at my place we will play games it will be fun.
Jimina, oh Yes let's go.
Since there final exams were over so they were free to have fun (party party yeah)
  So they leave for home.....

Suga's side
Suga was standing outside of Lee suk's house who sold there gaming plan to Jackson gaming company. Lee suk doesn't know what he had done and what was going to happen with him . He came out and went near to his car as Soon as he about to open the door of a car he felt like someone was standing behind him so he turned around . His eyes was widen because someone was pointing gun on his head . He was no one else except for suga.

Suga, ohh are you afraid huh? No no don't be because I'm not going to kill you but don't think you won't die. You will die for sure but i will not be that lucky one to shoot you.
Lee suk was so afraid he gasped in fear and ask.. who-o are yo_uu and why are you poin-ting g_gun at me?👀
Suga, aren't you the employee of jk gaming company huh you bastard how dare you sold information to our so cold rival.
Lee suk, I I. don't know please let me go
Suga grab his hand harshly and make his way toward his car. He opened the back door of car and pushed lee suk inside and went to the driving seat.he start his car and make his way to the mansion.

Hello lovelies so comment me about this chapter I will make sure next chapter should be about taekook..
Do support me please 💜💜
Word count 917

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