part 3

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Long chapter ahead 😍😍

Taehyung's side

As they leave from college they went to taehyung's house. Mrs kim was not at home because she went to do the shopping as taehyung called her and said that today jimin will have his dinner with them.
They arrived at home taehyung open the door because he had a spare key . so they went inside both place there bag on table and taehyung said, jimina you go and get fresh i will bath later.
Jimin, okay tae but what will i wear I didn't brought my clothes.
Tae, how many times you stayed at my home
Jimin, ahh countless times why?
Tae, you never brought any clothes every time you come here because you wear my clothes you dumb 😆.
Jimin, ahh yes dude I love to wear your Gucci brand clothes.
Jimin said in teasing way and chuckle.
Tae, ok go know or else I'm going.
Jimin,no I'm going. He ran upstairs to taehyung's room and went for shower.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch and was reading comics in that he had bell rings so he went to open the door. Her mom was standing there with lots of things in her hand.
Taehyung quickly went near and said mama let me help you with this .
Mrs Kim, ok my son (after a pause) where is chim chim .
Tae, ohh he went to take bath .
Mrs Kim, aa ok then put this stuff in the kitchen and go get your self fresh.
Taehyung took those things and place in  the kitchen .soon after sometimes jimin came down. Tae, jimina are you done.yes tae you can go and take your shower I'm going to help auntie then said jimin.
So taehyung went to take shower where as jimin went to help Mrs kim in kitchen.

In jk's mansion

So Know suga was inside the mansion with lee suk . Lee suk was really scared because he knows that how dangerous jungkook was if say in simple words he was like devilish.
Lee suk was begging that he didn't sold there companies information but suga wasn't satisfied with his word so he took him in special room its called torture soon as they enter in the room the light become dimer the room was know red but in red light someone was already present there the Aura of that person was devilish yet handsome in every aspect. Welcome to jeon mansion Mr lee suk said jungkook with smirk. I hope you know me well enough.
Lee suk, sir please forgive me sir I didn't sold that information trust me (he said while crying 😥😥)
Jk, huh what did you say (while working towards lee suk) trust you  didn't you Know i hate this word "trust" and also you are not qualified to ask me forgiveness DO YOU UNDERSTAND U BASTARD.he shouted at top of his voice everyone in the room gasped in fear. A punch land on lee suk's face as he could react another hard punch landed on his face and his nose start bleeding.
A dead full laughter accure in the room
Lee suk show the worst side of the mafia leader and was more terrified with his dead full laughter. Everyone ( a aggressive voice been heard) don't dare to feel pity for this rascal I will make his life a living hell whom he gonna beg for death said mafia leader. After saying following lines he went back to his room .

Taehyung's side

As everything was settled jimin and Mrs Kim was now ready with tasty food in which jimin helped her aunty to cook . They setup the dinner table in dinning room jimin put plates and dishes on table while mrs kim was placing foods on the table when she had soft voice auntie I'm done with this know I'm going upstairs I gonna check on tae and take him down for dinner said jimin. Okay chim chim thank you for today if it wasn't for you i would not  be able to prepare this dinner so fast followed by Mrs kim. No need auntie after all I'm also your son added jimin. Ok go know bring him downstairs said  mrs kim and excused jimin. Jimin took this opportunity and went upstairs he knocked the door of taehyung's room .....  coming wait a second . Said taehyung and went to open the door. Ohh jimin what brought you here said tae. Actually we are done preparing dinner so I'm here to call you but seems like you are not ready yet. Jimin said this because teahyung  was wrapping towel on his waist and in other hand he was holding another towel  because he was drying his hair .
Yes I'm not done yet jimina i need 5 more minutes said tae. Let me come in tae said jimin. Well jimin was concerned about his tae so he thought to help him. Taehyung added come in jimina who's stopping you.saying this he called jimin in.
Let me help you said jimin
Taehyung was taken aback like why suddenly he  said this he thought in mind.
Well I mean let me help you with your hair let me dry for you . Dude what's wrong?  hey
I have good intentions ok jimin said playfully well as we know he is a flirty boy so he Love's flirting with his best friend.
After a pause taehyung spoke no! I Know about your intentions are good mr flirting king  and thanks for offering your help but I'm done know i want to wear clothes so u may leave please.
No problem but I wanna stay here 😁 said jimin in teasing way.
Tae, U pervert go away sho shoo
Jimin , ok bro I'm leaving come fast ok
Tae, hm okay.
After saying this jimin went downstairs as he's aunt was waiting for them.
Ahh auntie he needs 5 more minutes. Said jimin .
Mrs Kim.  okay let  us start first he will join later.
Jimin . Ok auntie.
After saying they went and sit down jimin start grabbing food he was not shy because he was used to with them. After sometimes taehyung came down and join them the three of them was so happily eating and enjoying there dinner.

Hyy lovelies so how's this chapter comment me.
Vote for Mee! please naa
So soon i will bring taekook encountered moment. So stay tuned with me byee 💜💜

Love you taekook 💜💜

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Love you taekook 💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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