Chapter 11. The morning of the festival

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(Mina's that one girl fr🤞)

For the next couple of days, everyone trained to their max

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For the next couple of days, everyone trained to their max. Not only in school but outside to, you and Shoto did a lot of combat training, quirk training and went running together every morning and every evening.

You had also asked sero if he wanted to train with you too as he could shoot tape and you could shoot webs, they weren't the same but they were similar, and he asked you if you could show him a few tricks.

Whilst we were training at the USJ again, we were all at collapsed buildings and you helped sero with aiming his tape and sticking to heavy things the way you do with your webs.

Everyone was training their quirk and after you had gave sero some pointers, you went to train by your self, practicing jumping higher, climbing, crawling, controlling your electricity, shooting your webs at a longer distance, at a faster paste and wrapping your webs around large/heavy rocks and metal peices then throwing them away, since you pulled all might out of the portal and hold of the 'nomu' you decided to train yourself by heavy lifting, something Shoto helped with, and endeavor gave you tips on. And going invisible wasn't something you were really worried about so you didn't have anything to train with when it came to that. You figured you could use it in the festival though, to toy with your opponent, gosh you were so excited.

With how much training we did time flew by.

On the morning of the festival you woke up extra early, took a shower and was lured downstairs to the smell of breakfast.
"Morning honey! ITS THE START OF THE FESTIVAL TODAY AHHH" Your aunt squealed at you as she tan over and hugged you, you were practically jumping with how excited you were and how much energy you had.
"Gosh you are going to do great, I already know it, you've worked yourself so hard and waited so long for this moment to come" she wiped a fake tear from her eyes as she looked back down at the food she was making for the both of you and sighed "I remember when you used to watch those sports festival video compilations when you were younger and tell me how excited you were for it to finally be you, and now today, I'll get to watch it be you, and I just want you to know, I'll be rooting for you darling, just, don't get yourself injured okay? I know you won't, but just, do your best!" She finished, kissing your cheek.

That cute little speech made you smile so hard, it motivated you more. When she gave you your food (it can be whatever) she said
"Eat up, we can't have you going hungry and feeling malnourished before a fight!!"
After that she sat down with you and you ate in a comfortable silence, a smile on the both of your faces, and when finished, she ran upstairs to get into her hero costume and you left for school.

With aunt nem being a teacher at UA whenever she drove you, you were early and got to stay in the teachers lounge until everyone started to arrive, and when she didn't drop you, you either get driven by her driver (she has a personal driver for when she doesn't want to or can't herself) and she'll take you, or you'll walk, which you don't mind either, but you liked being in the teachers lounge, Aizawa would still be asleep and you would hang out with mic. Occasionally pulling pranks and being annoying waking aizawa up. Drinking tea with principal nezu and hearing one of his stories, or even hanging out with all might and getting motivational speeches from him etc.

So you both got into the car and sang (screamed) along to your favourite songs, you both had a playlist you'd put on when you were in the car so that you could sing a long whenever you were driving anywhere.

When you both got there you skipped along side her as you made your way to the teachers lounge.

When you walked in behind her you saw mic perk up to look next to her and see if you were there
"WOOO HOOOO HEY THERE LITTLE LISTENER, HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT TODAY?" You tan over to him and replied back with the same energy
"NOW THATS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR!" He replied. After that you just chatted for a while about the festival and about 30 minutes later you heard groaning from aizawa and rustling from his sleeping bag.

"Oh great, you've found eachother" he mumbled, annoyed he was woken up but also
"I'm glad to hear your going to try your best, I believe in you kid, now go on get outta here, everyone's staring to arrive."
"BYE HONEY, GOOD LUCK!!" Aunt nem said back, then looked to everyone and sighed, "not that she'll need it, such a strong girl"

Meanwhile you were walking to go to your class when you heard foot steps behind you, but you figured it could have just been anyone so you didn't care.
"Wait. You can't just ignore me forever."
You stopped in your tracks, and turned around
"We'll you can't just come over to my class and insult all of my friends." You snapped back, your attitude getting the worst of you.
"Look I'm sorry, I didn't think it would go that far, with everyone there too, and then that blonde guy just, got on my nerves, he was talking down on us, like he's better than us."

You paused for a moment and jerked your head at him to walk beside you, but now you walked slower so that you could talk as you walked down the empty hallways, you wasn't sure what he was doing here so early, but maybe he just knew you would, like the first time you met.

You chuckled a little as you started
"Yeah, bakugo can be like that, even with our class, I can promise, it's not just you."

"I never meant to hurt your feelings or any of that crap I just-"

"No I get it, you were just being competitive, and you didn't hurt my feelings, you just ..annoyed me, I guess because it felt like you weren't just against my class, but me too and I really thought we were becoming good friends, I don't know, I guess it was pretty bitchy ignoring you, over something this small too" after this realisation you started to laugh, gosh you sounded over dramatic, hearing your cackle he started to laugh too, by now you were nearly at the floor of your classroom

"Are we cool, or whatever?" He rubbed his neck  as he asked, you noticed it was a habit of his to rub his neck, you realised now, that you were at your class, so you stopped outside of the door and replied

"Yes, we're still friends." You rolled your eyes, you started to realise that he didn't have many, and that's probably why he didn't want to call you one, but for now he just smirked back at you and told you

"Hey good luck for later, Im still gonna kick some 1A asses, but till then see ya, 'friend'" he teased making you laugh again as he walked away.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH THAT PURPLE BASTARD?!?" Bakugo bellowed, after seeing you with him, and walk back into class

"I was just talking to him, not that it's any of your business" you poked his chest and moved him out of your way.

"Damn girl, that was shinso? the rude guy?" Mina asked, emphasising the 'rude'

"He was just being competitive the other day, and besides, bakugo was being just as rude as him" you raised your eyebrows, in a 'matter of
fact' kind of way.


"YEAH WE AREEEEE" You said back, giving her the same energy

"NOW THATS WHAT IM SAYING!" Ochaco joined in.

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