Scars and peircings

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Summary: the more Kai looks at Jay the more he notices about his appearance, Jay seems to have also looked a bit into Kai's looks more.


Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!

Kai's POV

I lazily slump on the couch, I've been more and more exhausted with these missions not giving the group or me a break lately. It helps that Lloyd is around to help now but we're all pretty exhausted. Today was our one free day we've had in awhile and I was going to spend my whole day sleeping but I forgot about my alarm and now I'm on the couch at 8am while everyone else is peacefully sleeping away.

I grab the remote and flick through channels and just leave it on the news, my chin resting on my hand over the arm rest as I barley pay attention.

30 minutes have passed at best and I hear someone walk into the kitchen behind me and I turn to see the blue one of our group. Jay walker, he walks in his usual black shorts and blue t shirt, yawning away. "Good morning"
He sleepily smiles at me and I can't help but pink spread lightly on my face. He's always so sweet and he's the most handsome boy I've ever layed my eyes on Im sure of it. "Morning, how was your sleep" I ask him turning my attention to the ceiling as I listen to himself fix a cup of coffee. "Eh could've been better, but it was nice to sleep in a bit" he takes his coffee out of the coffee maker and walks to the couch, seeing me laying across the length of it. "How about you?" He asks as I pull my legs closer to me so he can sit, "I wish I slept longer, forgot to turn off my alarm and now I feel like dying" I whine as I place my legs on his lap. We were use to this, this was usually our mornings even on our not free days. He placed his left hand on my knee as he sips his coffee, "why am I not surprised you forgot" he snickered and I rolled my eyes. We both turn to our TV with seeing our faces pop up "Another great day of saving ninjago city thanks to our hero's Kai and Jay!" We both here the TV speak about us. Jay and I had a lot of duo missions lately and had saved the city from some monster once again. "Some of the city has started calling out blue and red ninja duo Plasma! Due to their unique abilities!" I raise a brow at the TV, looking at Jay who a second later looked back at me too.

"Plasma eh? Pretty cool name for us" I stretched out, "yeah, I like it!" He cheerily responded. I looked at him closely, I've never really noticed all his features. His light scaring on the right side of his forehead or the eyebrow slit he's always rocked. He didn't have his ears pierced, but I know he has his tongue pierced, I had to listen to him whine about it while it was healing. He's lately stopped straightening his hair which I really liked, his warm brown curls always looked nice on him. Speaking of looking nice on him, the scaring over his shoulders and collar from fights and how his freckles decorated his body and face. He's so handsome..

Jay's POV

I finally feel like I have a really good look at Kai.. his hair is very textured and lays across his face in bangs when he doesn't style it in spikes, but either way he looks nice. The scar across his eye looks so rad on him and his tanned skin makes his eyes pop so well. Him and I are both built but I'm more lean, Kai is also very lean but you can tell on his arms he's a bit more bulky. His white tank sits just high enough that I can see his abs faintly and a bit of V line..WOAH! WHY AM I LOOKING DOWN THERE! I blush, scolding myself in my head. Kai is so handsome and to be honest with you.. so goddamn fine. I've masked my liking for him for so long by saying I liked Nya. For a while when you the team Frist got together I really did like Nya! She's pretty and smart and strong and stern,however after awhile I began noticing how fine her brother was heh.. I loved his hot head personality and how charming he was and how a ring decorated the top of his ear and a stud on his lobe of the other ear.

That's when I suddenly saw him smirk and it got me off guard. "I know I'm handsome but slow your roll sparks, might fall in love with me instead of my sister" he giggled mischievously. A smirk grew on my face and I set my mug down on the coffee table and lunged at the brunette in-front of me. I pin his head, either sides of my hands caging his head in and my knees between his legs making his legs fall on my hips. I saw the red creep on his face, brighter and, brighter and, brighter..! "I rather the latter." I grinned as I brought my face closer to his, my lips ghosting his.

Kai Pov

WHAT WAS HAPPENING?!  My heart started pouring out my chest as he came closer to me. A shameful tent in my plaid bottoms began to arise. I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck, an embarrassingly red flush spreading across my face as I kept eye contact. He brought his face impossibly closer, our lips touching but not by much.. "are you okay with this red?" He asked, the nickname felt soothing. I nodded as I smashed our lips together. He seemed surprised for a sec before taking control of the kiss I initiated, my hands tangle in his auburn locks as he brings one of his knees closer to my crotch, pressing forward. I can feel his smirk in this kiss.

The kiss continued, getting more and more heated as he brought his tongue between my lips, the making out was sloppy and steamy. We parted for a second longer as we took in each-other. I watch subtle blue zaps surround his body, I've only ever seen it when he was pissed. It was surprising to see it in this case.


I watched the ends of his hair turn red, and his body flush redder as his temperature was increasing, the heat of the situation seemed to be getting to his hot head. I pushed my knee into his erection again and watched him highly groan under his hand, almost high enough to be a moan. We stayed like that for a minute, me adding pressure between his legs as he made noises that would put any girl to shame Im sure.

. . .

Then we heard the steps and we acted fast.

Narrator POV

The two scrambled out of one-another's grasps. Jay quickly gave Kai some cold ice water so Kai's hair wouldn't alert whoever was coming that his temperature rose dramatically. The blue ninja quickly fixed his hair a bit and they sat a decent space away from each-other as Jay sipped his now luke-warm coffee and turned the TV volume up a bit. Kai also attempted to fix his hair and sat stiffly trying to cover his crotch so nobody would see, Lloyd walked in yawing, stretching his arms out before taking a seat lazily on one of the arm chairs. "Morninggg" he yawned to the two, "Good morning Blondie, how'd you sleep?" Jay asked calmly, Lloyd went on about his dream and the plasma duo listened carefully enough, but still had their fun.

Jay scooted closer and whispered in Kai's ear quietly. "We'll continue this later mr.smith" he grinned, Kai only blushed making his hair tips turn ever so slightly red again as they went back to listening to the green ninja's dream.

1360 words

Sorry for the spelling mistakes!

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