🎶Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!🎶

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Fear. It's the most basic, the most human emotion. As kids, we're afraid of everything. The dark...

"Will you stay in our room tonight, Polly? Please?" Little Ellie asked as she and Betty were bundled up under the covers together.

The boogeyman under the bed—

"Mom won't let me, Ellie. But I'll turn the night-light on, okay?" Polly said and Ellie and Betty smiled at her.

And we pray for morning. For the monsters to go away. Though they never do. Not really. Just ask Jason Blossom.

Alice walks into Betty's room to put up clothes into her drawers

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Alice walks into Betty's room to put up clothes into her drawers. Ellie walks in a moment later and see's Alice, "Oh, mom, there you are. I forgot to mention. I invited Jughead over for breakfast." Ellie said and Alice looks at her before turning back around. "Hmm." Alice hums.

There's a knock on the door, "I got it!" Ellie said as she runs downstairs to the door. She opens it to see Jughead, "Hey, Jug." Ellie said with a smile on her face as she steps aside to let him in. "Hey, Liz." Ellie shut the door and grabs Jughead's hand, "Come on in. Mom and Betty should be down in a minute." Ellie said as she walks him to the kitchen table, they take a seat and waits for Betty and Alice to sit to start eating.

As they're eating Alice steers her coffee. "So, Jughead—I suppose we have you to thank for my twins ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?" Alice said as she drinks from her coffee cup.

"Actually, mom, Ellie and I were the ones who asked Jughead to help us write for the Blue and Gold." Betty said with a smile and Alice fake laughs, "Relax, Betty. I'm just making conversation." Alice said. Betty and Ellie look at Jughead as he drinks his orange juice and he looks right back at them. "Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?" Jughead asked them.

"Sure, we'll show you." Ellie said as she goes to get up from her seat,  "No, no. I'll show him." Alice said as she gets up.

"Follow me—Jughead." Jughead gets up and follows her, not without glancing back at Ellie and Betty.

Ellie looks around the corner to make sure before she turn to Betty and nods. Betty gets up and grabs her phone before waving Ellie over. Ellie runs over and starts digging through their mom's purse to get her phone book. Betty starts taking pictures of the phone numbers in it.


Another fun fact about fear. Sometimes it grows up with you. Or it curls up inside of you, tightens around your guts.

"Archie Andrews." Kevin called.

Each fall, Riverdale High hosts a Variety Show. But this event is no mere student frolic.

"And what will you be auditioning with?" Kevin asked Archie.

"Uh, an original song that I wrote called I'll try." Archie said nervously into the mic.

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