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( thanksgiving )

The season of giving. You'd think at this point that I would expect the chaos that comes with the Walter household and big events. But, as usual, Jackie refuses to indulge in any family-oriented activities so I have to tag along and support her decision.

I'm standing at Jackie's locker with her and Skylar as I watch her pack heavy, mouth-drying books into her bag. Don't get me wrong, I love books! But text book paper always makes my mouth all dry and scratchy.

I turn to Skylar as he ridicules Jackie, "You're the only one taking all your books home for break, not even Charlotte has that many with her! Don't you plan on having any fun?"

"She wouldn't know what fun is if it walked up to her and smacked her in the face," I snickered as my twin sister glared at me.

"I don't want to do anything Thanksgiving related this year."

I give her a sympathetic look as Skylar says, "Right... sorry."

"I'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist," Jackie says firmly while placing the last few books in her bag.

It seriously is a mystery how they all fit in there.

Zipping up her bag, Jackie sighs, "I just can't fake feeling festive, you know?"

I nod, "Yeah, I've been feeling the same recently. Especially without-"

"Cole!" Skylar randomly says—interrupting me.

I furrow my brows when I hear a voice over my shoulder ask, "Need a ride home, New York?"

I fight back a smile and turn around, "I'm not sure, Jackie signed up for the Lark food drive and-"

I am interrupted yet again—this time by my genetic counterpart, "Don't worry about it, Char. You should go back to the house, I know how the cold makes you feel worse."

I nod lightly, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be home soon anyway. Seriously, don't worry about it."

I give her a small smile, "Thanks, Jackie."

Cole smiles too, "Okay, let's go."

"I'll meet you at the car in a second, I just have to grab something from Mr. Wallace that I forgot in history."

Cole nods and smiles at me before saying goodbye to us and walking away. As soon as he's out of earshot—and I'm smiling like an idiot—Skylar makes a little remark.

"It's pretty interesting how the hottest boy in school, who was your knight in shining armor, looks at you as if he's got literal heart eyes. Anything you wanna tell us?"

Jackie raises a brow at me as they both try to decipher the interaction that just occurred.

I feel my face burn a bit as I reply, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Cole and I are just... close."

It wasn't exactly a lie; Cole and I were close. Just not the way I might be implying.

"What does that even mean?!" Jackie retorted.

I was literally saved by the bell as my phone started ringing and I saw my partner from history calling.

"I really have to go, but have fun theorizing," I say as I jog down the hall away from them, "See you at home, Jackie! Bye Skylar!"

"I'm onto you!" Skylar yells from down the hall and I just laugh it off.

The drive back to the Walter house was peaceful as I listened to the music in the car and rested my eyes. I was starting to drift off when I heard Cole ask me something.

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