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' roommate wanted,near campus 1 bedroom shared bathroom ask behind counter for details ' My italic handwriting sprawls across the note,the small red pin I'd been rolling between my fingers finally makes its way onto the croweded bulletin board...and its done

Now all i need to do is to find someone.

I pull my scratched phone from my denim jacket pocket and fish out some white dangling headphones my two accomplices for near on every journey. ...which illustrates the fact i have a far from intresting life.Smoothing down my brown hair my converse-clad footsteps lead me out away from the college and down the narrow rows of houses to 'Everything Records' - where i spend every Monday, Thursday and Friday working in.

The bell chimes above me as i enter ,the shop is near on empty apart from Millie , a pair of teenagers in the corner and some old...or should i say elderly ladie browsing the vinyl.

"LEXA!" Millie catches my eye from the counter, Thats me Alexa Wirral
"Millie" i nod.
Thats how we great eachother, not really sure why but we do always have done and i think we always will for the forseeable future.

I pin my name tag on my Joy Division t-shirt and throw my bag on the hook behind the counter.
And thats my usual day

1. Advertise the same room all over diffrent shops in the hope i will find a flatmate.

2.Listen to music ,Oasis without fail and depending on the mood Bully as well

3. Work 12 to 6 or 'talk to Millie ' as its better known

4.Get back to my room-with an amazing view...if you count ome apple tree and my work a good view.

5.Sleep ...if i can

"How much did you say these Arctic Monkeys vinyl were?" I call into the backroom hoping Millie is there ,probably texting her boyfriend. The teenage girls stand before me and its nice to see they haven't brought a one direction Cd makes a change.
Its my 3rd week working here now a fair sized space housing all the vinyl and cds you could want its not hard to fall in love.
"Twenty "she calls back as im handing the girls their bag the phone rings

"Hello Everything Records how may i help you " i watch as she sounds so professional far from the Millie i know out of work
"Sure can i ask whos calling" she shoots me a look of excitement ,id react if i knew who was on the other end.
"Its for you " as she hands me the phone a smile forms upon her face.

"Hi..this is Alexa " i lean against the papered wall as i talk

"Im Daniel " a brief silence hangs "Err im calling about the room you've got" a unusual Accent one i hadn't heard

It takes me a moment to realise i have been caught up in his voice....great Al now you seem like a weirdo
"Umm its still free,if thats your question "

"Great ...mind if i pop round in a bit?"

I cant help but think of Daniel for the rest of my shift,that was his name right? Do i call him Dan? The thought of someone looking at my flat scares me finally a solution to my flatmate problem.
Shit what if its a mess and he takes 178547 steps back when he sees the pile of records or 300 essay sheets scattered across the table.

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