Mine Or Ours?

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I wake up to find Dan already gone, not that that was a problem i didn't own him. I stumbled out to the kitchen to find a note
'Loved last night ,would love to do that again ..text me when your home' ahh a big smile reached my face i text back
'I finish at 6 sorry if thats too late to do anything ' within seconds my phone buzzes 'cool pick you up at 7 '
Aww that boy.

I make my way down to work taking the usual route and find Millie also walking ,but this time with a guy ...could it be her boyfriend that takes up her time daily? "Oi" i shout as loudly as i could making her and this mystery man jump around
"Ahh Alexa its just you...idiot thought i was going to die" i laughed she was always so dramatic
"Late for work are you"i joked
"Oh you didnt get my text ...works closed busted pipe or something "
"Argggh really" dont know why i was mad i mean free day
"Oh by the way Alexa this is Jake " she points me towards this mystery man ,tall ,skinny and a quiff
"Hiya " i greet him with a smile he seems un responsive hmmm . Millie and Jake leave towards a cafe and im left with 9hours to fill
I text Dan 'Hiya where are you ? Fancy a visitor? Works shut xx' the decision length on weather to put kisses at the end was only matched by Dans reply time which was normally quick, at least an hour passes when i get a text 'Hey Al just at rehearsals but you can pop round xx' an address soon follows. Id never been to a studio before and began to wonder if my presence would feel awkward, i took the nearest taxi to the studio gate when i caught glimpse of Dan dressed in demin jacket and dark jeans walk out to meet me ,with his guitar swinging on his back.

"Oright Darling " he smiles half serious half joking ,oh so im a darling now
"Not a pain am i ?" knowing that he wouldn't tell me if i was ,but i had to ask ,he shakes his head and walks me through the door where i see 3 other boys all staring at me ,i look at Dan for help not knowing what to do
"This is Alexa the girl ive been on about" oh so he'd been talking about me ,i smile and look around at all 3
"Daf,Rhys and Harry" Dan points around like a mad army Sargent ,they all mutter a hello
"Lets find you a chair" a phrase you'd give to a todler ,despite his search the only chair available was the one holding a overflowing cupboard door shut "Um here sit here" he signals to a stack of 2 medium sized amps
"Sure i wont be in the way?" I ask already worried i have delayed thier rehearsal
"Youll be fine " he winks ,i cant help but blush.

After playing through 3 or 4 songs they take a break for drinks aiming for the mini fridge
"Al!" Dan shouts holding up a can
"Im cool"
"I know that but did you want a can?" He laughs as his band mates join in,ahh Dan i step of the amps and join them
"So whens your big audition then?"
"Tomorrow " Harry replies sharply
"Oh really ...and you still want to be out with me tonight Dan?"
"Ooooo date is it ,can i come ?"Harry laughs spilling his drink ,i look at Dan feeling bad that he has become the centre piece to a joke .
"Of course " Dan replys on which he leaves to zip his guitar case up
"Thats all for today lads"

Me and Dan walk back to my apartment, wait i guess its our apartment now, its 6.45 thats not good we want to leave by 7 i quickly run into the bedroom and chuck together an outfit hoping Dan would approve, i walked out to Find Dan standing by my door with a Band tee on and dark denim jeans "wow didnt tell me i needed to dress up" he remarks
I Chuckle "shhh you look .." my sentence cut short but this time not by his words but by his lips.
He pulls away softly and i feel my face turn red ,he without saying anything laches onto my hand and leads me out to the street and down the lane.

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