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"Yeonjun look!!"


Yeonjun and Soobin has been living together for the past few months since Yeonjun claims that "It's too dangerous in the wild and I might get killed"

"Lookkk!!!! It's a bunny!!" Soobin pointed at it excitedly

"A bunny? It looks like you, binnie."

'Binnie?' Soobin thought to himself as he blushed.

Well, you see, Soobin has developed a crush on Yeonjun unknowingly. He's always shy and embarrassed around the older but he doesn't realise it since he's always shy... right?

He shook his head to snap out of his thoughts

"Uh.. wanna watch a movie?" Soobin asked awkwardly



They were now in Soobin's house (of course) watching the movie. It's no surprise that they'll obviously watch a romance one.

"This is sooooo boring" Soobin whined

Yeonjun chuckled. "Says the person who picked it.."

"You wanted a romance movie too!"


"Let's watch something else, like this" Yeonjun then pointed to a rom-com

"You taste sucks but ok" Yeonjun rolled his eyes in annoyance before starting it


Soobin eventually fell asleep and Yeonjun got bored so he decided to take a look through Soobin's phone.

He was looking at his Instagram and stuff like until he got a notification from a male called 'Gyu'.

'Gyu?' Yeonjun thought before clicking on the notification and saw their chat...

idk why ctf is here

After around 30 minutes, Soobin fell asleep while resting his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

Well, Yeonjun however, was staring at Soobin the whole time, admiring his beauty and playing with his hair, completely ignoring the movie.

'He's so cute...' He thought to himself

His thoughts were cut off when he heard a ringtone, it's not like he had a phone so he already knew that it was Soobin's. He decided to answer the phone


"SOOBI- oh wait, hello? Who are you?"



"Um.. yea– how did you know?"


Yeonjun pulled the phone away from his ear to prevent this kid he was talking to from
making him deaf.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that without screaming?"

"O-oh right.. sorry, i just get excited when meeting new people" visibly getting flustered on the other line.

"My name is Choi Beomgyu, I'm one of Soobin hyung closest friend's! Uhh– so the reason on how i know you is because hyung always talks about you"

"He does...?"

"Uhh yea.. Anyway! I just wanted to talk to Soobin but it seems like he's busy"

"Yea, he's sleeping.. do you want me to wake him up..?"

"Nah, its fine. Just tell him i wanted to talk to him, bye!!"

"Bye..?" Before Yeonjun could even say bye, the so called kid named Choi Beomgyu hung up.

Yeonjun just stared at Soobin's phone for awhile before looking through his chats out of boredom

But when he went Beomgyu and Soobin's chat, he found the both of them talking about...


Hii its been awhile :) here's the second chapter 🫶🫶🫶 well, it wasn't suppose to be like this because i accidentally deleted the original one but i hope its still good 😭😭

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