Ten - You Look Like You Need A Hug

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        Jade massaged her temple with her left hand while the fingers on her right hand drummed a faint rhythm on the wooden table. She could feel migraine coming on and her head throbbed. She supposed that the drumming wouldn't exactly help, but she needed something to distract her from the arguing, angry voices around her.

        They were all sat in this small village's idea of a restaurant, when in truth it was kind of a small, wooden cabin. There were a few scattered posters of strange, distorted caravans on the walls and along the width of the floor was a soft, brown carpet. There was only about 3 tables in the whole room, and Jade and the others pulled them together in order to fit everyone in. There was a sort of bar area, but no alcohol was sold and not many of the people in the whole village were really above age. The teenagers sitting at the bar stared when John had opened the door and walked through, and they still stared now. They looked almost worried beneath their robotic masks, like they were going to get blamed for Jade's escape. Jade wondered if they even knew what was going on.

        "Didn't you hear what the woman said? If we stay here much longer, they'll find us again!"

        Amory's features were contorted in anger at Isabelle who lazily checked over her fingernails.

        "What are we supposed to do then?" she shot back, never taking her eyes off of her nails.

        Jade knew she was scared though, under the bored expression she constantly pressed on her face. They all were. Jade wasn't afraid of death, but she refused to die without seeing Blue one last time. All she wanted was just to run to her sister and give her the most massive, bone-crushing hug she could manage, but she didn't know if there was any chance they could get out.

        "Everybody calm down, we need to sort this out calmly." John held his hands in the air and Amory nodded and sat down.

        John was the kind of silently but mutually agreed leader of the group. He kept everyone grounded in a way. He sorted out all the arguments but was probably the most encouraging in believing they were going to get out alive. Jade appreciated his kind words and bravery more than she could say, but now he looked just as worried as everyone else.

        "We need to make a plan to get out of here. We already know we are in-"

        "What about the people in the black building?" Jade asked and immediately ducked her head at the eyes that snapped towards her. Almost a year in darkness hadn't cured her shyness.

        "What people?" John asked, staring into her eyes, but it surprisingly wasn't uncomfortable.

        "There must be new people in the black building, the one we were all put into before the room underground."

        John seemed to think for a moment, but before he could speak, Isabelle opened her pouty lips.

        "We can't help them! You said it yourself, we need to leave," she said and Melanie sighed, rolling her eyes.

        "Sometimes you really need to shut up." she said. Isabelle glared heatedly at her, and Jade made a mental note in her brain to give Melanie a pat on the back later.

        John sighed quietly to himself.

        "I think we could try to help them. How would you like it if you knew someone had the opportunity to save you from death, but they just walked away?"

        Isabelle looked down and thankfully, was quiet.

        "What do you think we should do, Jade?" he asked, and it seemed he was staring into her soul. She really didn't know what to say. She had planned to just stay out of the whole conversation.

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