Part : 12 Dual cultivation!

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Happy Birthday My dear reader  "xianxians_zhan".

Today is your special day. Have a great time and cheerful to all the beautiful memories. May your smile on this day and forever never faded.

12:00 am

Here is your birthday gift! Hope you enjoy 💖.


Author POV

He stood ten steps away from Wei wuxian, his expression resembling a honed arrow on the bow, ready to be released at any moment. Even his posture emitted an air of arrogance and overconfidence.

"You-" huffed Jiang cheng loudly.

"Cheng cheng am i wrong?" asked Wei wuxian childishly.

"Don't call me that!" shouted Jiang cheng.

He frowned,"Jin ling, why did you linger for so liy? Do you really need me to come and pick you up? Look at what a terrible situation you are in right now, and get up!"

After the initial mumbling of his head, Wei wuxian quickly realised what was going on. He curled a finger inside his sleeve and made the peice of paper retreat. Jin ling felt his back lighten and immediately rolled up, grabbing his sword in the process. He shifted near Jiang cheng and pointed at Wei wuxian accusingly,"Iam gonna break your legs!"

"Jin ling thats not how you talk to elders" exclaimed Jiang yanli politely.

"Sorry A-niang!" said Jin ling.

"Mn, but dont do this again!" said Jiang Yanli as she thought that even his son got Jin zixuan arrogance.

Jiang cheng moved his finger, and the paper doll swiftly flew out of Wei wuxian's hand and into his own. After talking one looked at it, hostility came over his face. He pressured his fingers, and the paper was ignited, burning to dust with the screams of dark spirits.

Jiang cheng spoke grimly,"Break his legs? Haven't I told you? If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the Cultivator and feed his to your dogs!"

"Jiang cheng that wasn't evil!" exclaimed Wei wuxian whinning.

"I don't know" exclaimed Jiang cheng as he don't know why his future self was behaving that weirdly.

Wei wuxian couldn't even attempt to grab his donkey, backing away at rapid speed. He thought that, after so many years, no matter how much hatred Jiang cheng had held for him, it would have disappeared long ago. He didn't expect that not only did it not disappear, it become richer, as if it was a jar of aged alcohol. At the present time, his hatred had grown to affect even people who cultivated like him!

'Jiang cheng hate me in future!' thought Wei wuxian and flinched because not only Madam yu hate him but even Jiang cheng will hate him.

'How is that even possible?' thought Jiang cheng.

With someone him up, Jin ling's attacks become more aggressive. Wei wuxian slid two fingers into the sprint locking bag, about to take something out, when suddenly, the Blue glare of sword slashed out like lightning. It collided with Jin ling's sword, breaking the powerful swords golden rays in an instant.

"That's -" exclaimed a disciple.

It wasn't because of the quality of the swords, but rather than great disparity in the strengths of the person using the swords. Wei wuxian had originally calculated the timing, but his movements were suddenly interrupted by the swords glare, causing him to trip. He fell toward the ground, right on top of a pair of snow-white boots. After pausing for a moment, he slowly lifted his head.

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