Chapter 5 - Name and lyrics

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It's the day of revelation. Or, in simple, it's the day of revealing our band name ideas, and our new song.
The sun has blessed the earth, thus it's as hot as it can get.
I put on a simple shirt and skirt combo, and pack up my guitar and cables, ready to head to the studio, and face the doom of being completly embarrassed when my lyrics are revealed.
As I walk through my usual route, I can feel my skin burning, I might get a tan just by walking, but luckily due to amazing technology, my ears are filled with music, making this stroll feel less than it really is.
Reaching the final crossing, I can already see Elise and Jasmine walking up to the building, hoping that they'll wait for me, but unfortunately, they dont even notice their friend.
The light turns green, and I try my best to reach them with my small legs, and somehow manage to!
Now what? Do I just walk right next to them? I say Hi? Or just akwardly follo-
"Hey Sophie"
Elise turns back with a bright smile.
Jasmine welcomes me aswell.
I mutter back akwardly. I guess I got my answer.
We finally enter the studio, and as usual, Lily is already inside and she welcomes us with a warm smile you cant take your eyes off.
"Hello everyone"
She says as she gets up to hug all of us, one by one.
Do I smell good? Am I not sweaty from all that weather outside?
"What if I am.."
I unknowningly say this out under my mouth as Lily comes to hug me aswell, and she stops before me, she leans down, into my view.
"What if you are?"
"Ah nothing!"
She proceeds to hug me, and I hug her back aswell, wishing for more moments like this. As we break of I'm met with the smug look of Elise.
"Like that huh?"
She teases me, but thankfully Jasmine is there to save the day once again with her signature move of a bonk.
"Let's look at what we came up with alright?" Jasmine says as she sits down to the table, and so does everyone.
"Which one first?"
Lily looks around curiously
"Band names!"
Elise shouts as she slaps her paper on the table.
"Fine fine..."
Jasmine sighs and grabs her paper aswell, and we follow with Lily.
"I'll start!"
Elise declares, and she clears her throat.
"Vanillia Croissant, Puddle of Heart!"
Jasmine looks at her a bit confused.
"Didn't you have vanillia croissant and heart shaped cookies for breakfast?"
"I may have!"
She sighs.
"Elise, did you come up with this when you were eating?"
"I may have..."
"You were so excited I thought you had something serious..."
"But it's so hard to come up with one!"
Lily giggles and joins the converstation.
"I agree, I had a hard time aswell"
She puts her paper on the table aswell.
"My ideas were...The Riot of the Red Heart and...The service"
"Oh the first one sounds cool!"
Elise says excitedly, and is followed by Jasmine.
"Now those are great ideas!"
Lily looks at me.
Oh, she's waiting for my reaction aswell.
"I like the first one..." I manage to answer without stuttering this time.
"Thank you!"
"It's going to be hard to top that one than"
Jasmine answers, and puts her paper down aswell.
"Four foxes and...Red love foxes."
Lily giggles a little.
"What's up with the foxes?"
She asks in a teasing tone, and looks at Jasmine curiously, who is blushing a little.
"I like foxes..."
"I'd make a great fox"
Elise teases her with a big grin, aaand she's bonked.
After calming down they all look at me. This feels extremely akward.
I put down my paper, spiced up with my hands shaking.
"Loveback and...Underheart"
It's silence.
I knew they were awful but they aren't that bad!
"I like them"
Lily smiles and pats me, on her way to get the magic box of voting.
It's a small purple paper box with a hole on the top. She puts it down in the middle of the table and everyone writes on a small piece of paper.
I, of course write down Lily's band name. Something about it is really unique, but who knows, my brain might be doing tricks on me again.
We all slowly put our papers in.
Lily takes the box after everyone is done, and takes out the papers, and looks at the votes with a big grin.
"3 for Underheart, 1 for me"
Elise pouts
"It sounds cool but come on no vote for my beatiful ideas?!"
"It's decided then"
Jasmine smiles and continues.
"Good job Sophie!"
"Thank you..."
Huh!? Is this for real?! Is this...good?!
I giggle to myself as I let the compliments get into my head.
"Also...thank you"
Lily smiles at me, she probably knows I voted for her, well, it's pretty obvious anyways.
"Now now! Lets do some cool designs!"
Elise claims as she stands proudly.
"Some band clothes would look nice I agree..."
Lily answers, but this topic quickly gets sabotaged by Jasmine.
"What if we talked about our new song?!"
Lily snapped back to reality and continues.
"Can you show us what you put together, Jasmine?"
"Of course"
She smiles and gets her phone out, and a nice instrumental starts playing, as slowly drums and the lead guitar joins in with the bass. It's a speedy song with a slow start, it has an upbeat mood but also feels sour and sad, something that can work with both sad and happy lyrics.
It slowly ends, and everyone claps, including me. Even if I heard it for a hundred times during my lyrics writing session, I still like it.
"That's really good!"
Lily expresses her feelings.
"I really love how it can work with both sad and lyrics!"
Huh, did Lily just read my mind?
"And the lyrics that Sophie done will sound good with it I bet"
Jasmine smiles at me, waiting for me to show it.
This feels embarrassing, but it has to be done. I pull out my piece of paper that has the lyrics on it.
I can hear my heartbeat and feel my chest bump loudly, as I see their expressions.
Elise looks at me.
"These are some good lyrics girl!"
"Thank you..."
I answer, feeling like a big living tomato right now.
Jasmine congratulates me aswell.
"Yeah, this is good, I can feel you in it."
Lily looks at it a bit longer than everyone...
I hope, I hope she doesnt notices that it's about her, god, why did I even choose this topic out of all the other things in the world!?
"I like it...a lot"
She smiles and looks at me.
Oh god, she knows.

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