Chapter 8 - Visit

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I'm officially done with the lyrics.
I take a glance at the clock, and it's past 3 pm, she's probably up right now, but oh well, here comes nothing.
I copy and paste the lyrics into the dm's with Lily, and with a big deep breath, I send the message.
As every person ever, after sending a risky text I immediately have something to do, that just playing guitar. I manage to pull it into my bed and start to jam.
1 minute have passed.
I still dont see a notification.
3 minutes have passed.
There is still no notification.
5 minutes have pa-
Actually, I need to stop being Dio and just see if she even saw it or something.
I pick my phone up.
She's seen it.
I have been left in the void of being on read. I fucked up, and I cant undo it. I probably ruined the future of our band with my stupid intentions and selfish thoughts.
Does she even like girls?!
It has been officially 10 minutes. Knowing her she usually replies within that time range, so I'm actually doomed. Like the game Doom but in reality and somehow worse than hell itself.
My phone buzzes.
I look at it, and see a notification.
It's either from the group or Lily.
I press on it, and It's from her indeed. She sent a picture so I cant even act busy and overthink her answer without letting the app know I've seen it. I open the messages and see that she is...right outside my house.
Why? Well if she'll reject me I guess it's more...nice? Can I say that?
I dont want to make her wait though, so I quickly gather myself.
I put on some lazy clothes, since I'm sick I wont go anywhere anyways.
My body still feels extremely heavy despite lacking a few details that would make it that way.
I somehow manage to walk to the door, and my headache gets so awful I have to take some stops along the way.
My hands reach out to the door, and I open it. To my suprise Lily is already there.
"Ah..Hi" I mutter a welcome out, my throat is dry. I cant look even towards her so after making sure it's her I just stare at the ground.
"Hey Sophie"
I step away from the door, letting her in. While akwardly waiting for her to take off her shoes I cant shake of the feeling that sooner or later, I'll cry as a baby.
I hear her finish and I take my direction towards my room. Right now it's a complete mess...Maybe the kitchen will do.
"Are you okay?"
Her voice sends shivers down my spine, this time it isnt for my love of Queen, but for my queen.
I lied as naturally as I breathed while leaning onto the wall so I wont fall. She helps me walk into the room. This wasnt my plan but oh well. I still feel extremely embarrassed by the mess as she helps me lay down on the bed.
"I hate it when you lie."
She sounds rather seriously, I reaaallllyy fucked up this time huh?
"Dont be. Did you take medicine?"
I dont think so...Maybe I forgot, maybe instead of doing something stupid like that lyrics, I could've done something useful.
"I forgor..."
"Look at me." we go?
I slowly look at her, her eyes watery and her face is giving a worrying expression. What have I done?
"Ah...I'm sorry"
And now all that sorrow turned into anger, just that quickly.
"Dont say stupid stuff like that, dummy. I'm here with all my own will and I want to take care of you."
My throat cant find the words, all I can do is just give her a smile.
She's so adorable, thinking about me even if she hates me.
"I'll bring you some."
She leaves my room. I wonder when she'll bring up those stupid stuff...Or she just wants to ignore them for my better will?
Before I can overthink anyfurther she arrives back with water and medicine.
I slowly take it from her and swallow the pill and water combo.
Now it's akward silence.
I know my feelings for her haven't changed. I want to spend all my days with her, I want to share her happiness and even her sad moments aswell. I want to be there for here, and I want her to be there for me.
" hate me?"
I finally mutter these words out.
"Hate...? No!"
Perhaps she's lying so I dont cry infr-
"No, and I'm not lying. I am serious."
She grabs my hand, which I try to pull away but she insists.
"I dont hate you. Not even one bit. Why would I?"
I feel tears run down my cheek, and feel my face turn into a big red tomato as I finally finish the sentence.
"Love you..."
My voice is shaky, and I feel that my sickness really took a tool on it.
I look away from her, already knowing the answer will be no, but I just cant do anything about it.
I feel her hand pull away from mine.
I suppose my average appearance and lame personality combo isn't the best to even try at her level.
I close my eyes, feeling that I'll just have a breakdown as soon as she leaves. It would be too akward to do it infront of her, but I suddenly feel her arms around me, as her gentle voice whispers into my ear.
"I love you aswell."
My heartbeat is so fast not even peak Mcqueen would be able to compete with it.
I look at her, and she's the same as me. Her eyes are watery and it ruins her makeup.
"S-sorry for your makeup..."
She giggles as she caresses my face.
"You just cant stop saying sorry huh?"
I am infact not Canadian but I took this behaviour from them somehow.
Now that I realise, she's extremely close to my face. Her perfume must have cost a lot, I can definietely tell all the sweet fruits it's supposed to resemble.
But now, suddenly another one of my receptors have been triggered.
Suddenly, all my worries are washed away as our love gets confirmed by our lips aswell.
I close my eyes as a respond and give in, only seeking her love and gentleness in this very moment.

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