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You used to think you were the only one with this "Stand" ability

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You used to think you were the only one with this "Stand" ability. You became the loner you are now because of it, terrified to talk or ask questions out of fear of being seen as crazy or dangerous.

But now? Now, there are others like you. You're not alone anymore. It's... a change, one like any other that you would have to get used to. At least it's a good one. You have friends now--one with a Stand and one without. It felt nice to talk to someone who wasn't your brother or your mother or someone who was paying you to do their English assignment.

Your mother opened and shut the door to grab the milk that had been dropped off. You were in the kitchen, inhaling the breakfast she had made you--sunny-side-up eggs with a side of rice and nigiri. In a separate bowl, there were cherry tomatoes and cucumber slices.

"Hm... The cap is broken." She shrugged it off and threw it away. "Guess we'll have a little less today. Oh well, I'll pick extra up if we need it."

"Josuke invited me over to his place yesterday, so I'm gonna head over there before class," you said, standing up as you downed the last of the green tea in your cup. You grabbed your guitar before you left to put on your shoes.

"Alright then. I'm glad you're talking to people and not reading comics in your room all day," she said, followed by a soft chuckle. "Have fun. You know the number for the house phone if there's an emergency."

As you put on your shoes, you looked up at (Y/N), who was in her usual spot. Michael was out buying some things she needed, so the responsibility of making sure the old woman didn't hurt herself fell upon the shoulders of Naomi.

"Mom!" you called back out to the kitchen. "Cousin (Y/N) turned the language to German again! You might want to change it back when she falls asleep."

"Oh, I'm not going to fall asleep, Drei," you heard her say. She laughed before going quiet again. You were stunned.

"I'm... not Drei. My name is the same as yours--(Y/N)."

"I know, Drei."

You stayed silent, then left.


You knocked on the door. From the other side, you heard the sounds of a video game and then a woman yelled: "Josuke! Let your friend in!"

After some footsteps, he answered the door. "Hey, uh, listen. We have a problem."

"Oh? Enlighten me." Josuke closed the door behind him and reached into his pocket. He took out a glass bottle with water in it. After shaking it, you saw a Stand.

"Remember those photos Jotaro showed us? His name is Angelo and this is Stand," Josuke explained. "He can move through water and liquids, and my mom accidentally drank some that this guy was in." He shook the bottle around.

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