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Y/N was sitting in the detention chamber, doing her transfigurations homework after she successfully failed to transform her owl into opera glass. “I didn't expect this from you, Y/N. Shouting in the classroom, not being able to transfigurate, getting a detention. I don't want you to be like James!” Mcgonagall's words and the expression of disappointment she was wearing while scolding her ached her heart every now and then. She had never been an expert in transfigurations. She finished the homework given by Mcgonagall and sighed. “This is the tenth time you have sighed in ten minutes. Can't you just stop it?? It breaks my concentration.”, Sirius said rather rudely. “This is because at this time I would normally be at library... deeply absorbed in books but.... NAH! I am trapped here with-” points a finger at him,“this idiot right here!” Sirius scoffed and said,“ I would like to remind you that I was able to transfigurate that little owl into opera glasses which means I am not an idiot here!” Y/N pursed her lips. After about half an hour of silence, Sirius suddenly stood up,“Thats it! I'm leaving.” “How?” asked Y/N, curiosity creeping her mind. “I have a plan.” smirked Sirius, “But promise me you won't say anything about this to anyone.” he looked rather serious about it. “Okay. I promise.”, she said without hesitating as she wanted to escape the room ASAP, this stupid detention was wasting her time. Sirius drawed something like a parchment from his robes and opened it. Y/N scoffed,“So, this was your clever plan?” But the very next thing blowed her mind. He tapped the parchment with his wand and said softly,“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” The parchment was revealing itself, it was a bit old and had a castle on it. “Is that........ Hogwarts?”, Y/N expressed astonished. “Yes and now this little baby will save us from this detention!” Sirius smiled wholeheartedly. Y/N felt something in her heart, she ignored it and took the map from his hand. Y/N seemed to study it carefully and was murmuring something,“Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map?”, she breathed and looked at Sirius. “Who are these people?”, She shot a question at him. “I- uhh- let's just get out of here first.” He began to look at the map for several minutes. There were tiny footprints of people all around the Hogwarts with their names above the footprints. Professor Mcgonagall was in her office surely, the corridor along the room's door was empty, not a single soul lurked there.“The way's clear... Let's get out.” They stood in front of the door and Y/N cried,“Alohomora!” They opened the door, trying not to create much noise, got out of the classroom and we're making their way towards the Gryffindor common room. Sirius kept glancing at the map... As a couple of students appeared ahead of them, chatting loudly, Sirius grabbed Y/N's hand tightly. Her heartbeat rose quickly, she felt hot. They were walking hurriedly and reached the staircase opposite to the great hall in no time. Y/N witnessed a crowd of girls looking at her and Sirius meanly, her steps slowed as she was pondering the possible reason for the crowd to do so. “Hurry!” Sirius huffed.

As the were about to reach the common room, at a distance they saw familiar figures. “James?” Y/N saw her brother and Peter along with a Hufflepuff. Y/N heard Sirius say,“Mischief managed.” They approached them. “Hey James, What are you doing here?” Y/N asked while eyeing the Hufflepuff guy, she saw a prefect badge glinting on his robes. She had seen the boy somewhere.... Ah! It was the guy who was staring at her during breakfast. When Y/N looked at her brother, he gave her a wink. She understood what he wanted her to do. She quickly put on her cute face and asked him in honeyed tone,“What did my brother do?” she spoke slowly and pouted. The boy gulped and stuttered,“H-he... Uhh.. a-actually was tr-trying to g-go in t-the restricted co-corridor.” “I apologize on behalf of my brother-” she pursed her lips prettily. “No!No! Don't mention it! Just make sure he don't do it next time” The prefect grew of pinkish shade and ran away from there. “What was this about?”, she asked James now putting on a straight face.

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