Chaos In the Deep

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Somewhere in the galaxy, a luxurious space station could be seen drifting along. There was violin music playing and a woman with red hair swaying along with the song whilst pretending to play a violin herself. At a distance, everything may seem peaceful, but the reality of it is...

Monsters were attacking them as they appear out of this air.

"Ahhhh!" the people scream in terror as the monsters start to attack them and invade the station,"What is that!?" they all began to flee for their lives as the alarms start to blare,"Lead the evacuation, quickly!" a woman orders her subordinates as everyone scatter to save as many people as possible while other stayed to fight,"Ugh... go!" a young man grunts as he clashes blades with one of the monsters, giving others the chance to escape to safety.

A boy and a girl could be seen running through the halls, passing by every monster as they head straight for the elevator. However, something bright lit up in the elevator and grew brighter and brighter until,"Look out!" a girl cries out as the elevator explodes.

The red haired woman halts her swaying at the sound of the explosion as the music stops as well,"Seems I came at a bad time." she hums as she puts her arms down and a holographic screen pops up with a silver wolf symbol on it,"No no, I think you couldn't have timed it better." a younger female voice says.

"23:47:15 system time. Very punctual, Kafka." the second voice says,"Elio always tells the exact future. So what's with the explosion just now? Was that also part of his script?" the redhead, Kafka, asks with crossed arms,"Uh-huh, '23:44:59 system time: The pulses from the explosion cause a massive breakdown from the master control system'." the voice answers in a detailed manner.

"You did that?" Kafka quirks an amused brow,"No, the Antimatter Legion did it. They completely invaded the space station two system hours ago." the voice explains and Kafka whistles,"Alright, so do we need to fight the Legion?" she asks, a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"I dunno. Elio didn't say anything about it, so it doesn't matter." the voice says in a shrugging manner,"Got it. So from now on, I'll be in charge of this operation." Kafka grins slyly,"Copy. Can you let me have some fun this time? Our last few operations turned out to be pretty dull." the voice whines slightly.

"...Sorry, I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you, our task this time is just to 'place' the target properly." Kafka reminds her before shrugging,"But if you wanna go look for some fun yourself, I won't stop you. I mean, after all..." she grins as the doors open, alerting the monsters in the room.

She calmly struts into the room as she places her hands on her guns,"Elio didn't put it in the script. Why would it matter?" she shoots down three of the monsters with ease as they all dissappear into a vortex. More came at her and Kafka starts to elegantly spin on her one foot as she shoots at them all,"Time to say bye~" she says darkly before making an explosion with her hand,"Boom." this causes a chain reaction from the lines the bullets left behind to explode and defeat the rest of the monsters in the room.

She sighs with satisfaction as she puts her guns away before walking up to a holographic portrait of a young brunette girl,"Who's this? Herta?" she asks with calculating eyes,"Yeah." the voice confirms her suspicion,"She looks so young. She was already famous in the last Amber Era, no? She has to be at least a hundred years old." Kafka notes as she heads for the door.

"She's a member of the Genius Society and an Emanator of Nous the Erudition. She can probably age backwards if she wanted." the voice states,"Hah. I seem to recall that over half of the Genius Society's eighty-odd members had a normal death. Wasn't there someone who only lived for a dozen days or so? What was their name..." Kafka tries to come up with the name, but purses her lips when she couldn't remember the person's name.

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