Chapter Four

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How lucky am I? First my parents die now I've been kidnapped. Why is the world against me.

After what seemed like forever, the car finally came to a stop. The driver door never opened but my door did. Someone grabbed me out and drugged me into a building. I couldn't see my surroundings. To me, everything was dark. I heard voices whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I was placed in a chair and tied up. The potato sack was removed and it took me a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the lighting.

Once they were adjusted, I seen the place I'm being held captive at. It was an old factory. One that no one uses anymore. Everything was rusted and looked like the machinery is from the 1920's. I looked at my captors. I couldn't see their faces. They were wearing ski masks. There was a camera about five feet away from me.

"You are gonna beg for us to let you go." One of them said, he had a deep, raspy voice.

"Why would I do that?" I ask, trying not to seem scared.

"Because if you don't, we'll kill your friends and bring your little boy toy in and slowly kill him right in front of you." A female voice rang from behind me.

"We want you to beg for ransom from your parents." The man said.

"Dude, I'm an orphan. The other day my parents got into a car accident. And lady, why did you call my boyfriend a boy toy?" I say, confused on what's going through their minds.

"Wait, your parents are dead?" The guy asks, clearly confused on the situation now.

"You're name is Cheryl Blossom, right?" The lady asks.

"No, my name is Y/n Y/l/n." I say, confused on why they thought I was Cheryl.

I don't have red hair like she does. I have medium brown hair. And hazel eyes. Why in the world do they think I'm Cheryl Blossom?

"Oh, seems we've made a mistake." The lady says.

She pulls her partner to the side and they whisper something. A few moments later, the man walks over and uses the handle of his gun to hit my head.

He continuously does it. Until I'm unconscious. They made a video and sent it to Jughead. They had figured out that they have been watching the wrong person the entire time.

                      Jughead's POV

I was waiting for Y/n to get back from work. When a few hours went by and there was no reply from her when I texted. I started to panic.

Then, a man shows up and knocks on the door. He was heavy set, wearing a black suit, with a white dress shirt underneath, and a black tie. He had a ski mask on so I couldn't see his face. He also had black leather gloves on.

He handed me a VHS tape. Then left in a black car, he had taken off the brand label and the license plate.

I went to the TV and got the VHS player. I played the tape and saw Y/n, unconscious, in a chair. Bloody.

    'Jughead Jones, we're holding your dear sweet Y/n captive. We plan to keep her unless you give us fifty-thousand dollars.

Now, you can either give us the money by Friday. Or Saturday, we're going to send you a tape where we torture and kill Y/n.

It's your choice, go in debt or save your love.'

The video ended, I was scared of what to do. I want to save her, but I don't have that kind of money.

I decided I'd pretend to have the money. I'd negotiate a plan and kick their asses and save her. I don't have that money but I can still save her.

The next day, I walked to the place I was told to meet them at. It was about a mile away from Sweet Water River. I waited for about half an hour when that same black, nameless car came driving up.

This time a woman got out, wearing the same thing that the heavy set guy was wearing. Except, tailored for her body.

"Give me the money" she demanded.

"Not until you bring me to Y/n." I said, trying to be as mean as possible. Even though I was scared to death if she was alright and if I'm gonna be fine after being demanding.

She told me to get into the back of the car. At this point I'm scared to death that they're gonna kill me. Then they'd find out that I don't actually have the money and kill Y/n too.

We arrived at an old factory. We walked in, I saw Y/n. Still tied to the chair. Bleeding more than what she was in the video. I rushed to her, hoping she's still alive.

"Hey, Y/n? Can you hear me? Babe?" I continuously asked her, hoping to get a response.

"Give us the suitcase." The woman demanded.

I stood up and walked over to them. Holding the suitcase in my hand still.

I struck the suitcase across the woman's head. And as the man came rushing towards me. I flung him across the factory. The woman got up and attempted to strike me. But I knocked her out with a hit to a certain spot on her neck.

The man came charging at me again and I moved slightly. I stuck my foot out and he tripped over it. Knocking himself out once he hit the floor. The police arrived, I had called them on my way in.

Y/n's captors hadn't noticed. I rushed back over to her and attempted to wake her. I checked her pulse, it was very faint. But it was there. A police officer rang in for an ambulance.

Y/n's boss got ahold of me and asked why she hadn't counted the money, or locked up the back door. I told him that she had been kidnapped and that's why her stuff is still there. He realized that her purse was in the office and her car in the parking lot.

He apologized and hung up. The ambulance got there and I rode with her to the hospital. The paramedics asked if there were any guardians they could call. I told them the story so they asked if I could be the one to make decisions.

I agreed and they had worked on her. They got her pulse back up and in a stable position. Soon we were at the hospital. I waited in the waiting room. There was a couple crying, they had just lost their newborn baby. There was a woman crying in the corner, her mother died. There was a man, sitting across from me. Just as anxious.

He was waiting to see if his wife had the baby yet. And then there was me, waiting to see if Y/n is gonna be alright.

"Mr. Groden, your wife is ready to see you now." A nurse called. The other man got up and walked to the delivery wing.

An hour went by, and still no word on if she's alright. I had called her Uncle Kirk and he came rushing here. Him and I now sat in the waiting room together.

"I thought you'd protect her." He finally said.

"She was at work, I had just got off work and she was supposed to be home thirty minutes later because she had to close up shop. She was kidnapped from her workplace." I said, defensively.

"Oh, so there was nothing you could have done to prevent it. I understand now. Well, at least you saved her." He said, patting my shoulder.

"Or I hope I saved her, she had a faint pulse back at the old factory. Her captors are being charged with kidnap and attempt if murder. They won't be out for a very long time or ever." I say, in a somber tone. Trying to hold back the tears and the chill in my bones.

Half an hour goes by, when finally a nurse comes out and calls me. She tells me that Nova is going to be fine.

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