Chapter Seven

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I woke up from the knock and slowly, groggily got out of bed. I took a drink of my water before fully getting up. I slowly walked to the front door. I peeked out the curtain to see Jughead there.

I opened the door for him. "Why didn't you just come in? You have a key. And it's your house " I said, rubbing my eyes to fully see. He looked mad, maybe because I was out of bed.

"Damn girls crashed our guys night. And those of us who didn't have our ladies felt left out. But we made do with talking. I missed you so much." He said, his expression changing from mad to pouty as he spoke.

"I missed you too. And us three here had fun. We gave each other mani-pedi's" I said, enthused from last night and that Jug was here this morning. I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him.

"To answer your question about why I didn't just come in. I forgot my keys here." He said, nodding to the counter.

I giggled, "I guess that makes sense" I added, smiling from ear to ear. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"I know you're getting better, and that you want to walk and move around and you can. As long as you stay here." He said, looking a bit worried.

"Well, I'm off work for a few more weeks and  I don't have school till then too." I said, looking at his collar bone.

"Mmm, so no where to go? Good, can't get hurt that way." He kissed my forehead. "But I do have work so I have to get going. I'll see you later, okay?" He said, hugging me with light strength. Enough to keep me there but enough not to hurt me.

"Man, that sucks. Guess I'll have to clean all day. But I do have an appointment so I'll ask Betty if she can bring me." I said, rubbing his arms.

He leaned down and kissed me softly then left. Grabbing his keys this time. I decided to make breakfast for the three of us that stayed. I made pancakes, eggs, and sausage.

"Ooo, something smells good" I heard Theo say from behind me. He yawned as he got up. He walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water.

"Mind waking Betty up to eat?" I asked him, flipping an egg over so it didn't burn.

"No need, I'm up" Betty said, yawning as she walked in from the bedroom. She also got herself a glass of water. I served breakfast and everyone ate in silence.

After breakfast I washed the dishes. Betty and Theo were in the living room watching TV. "Hey Betty?" I asked, hesitantly. Even though I knew she'd say yes to giving me a ride to my appointment.

"What's up?" She asked, looking up from the tv.

"Mind giving me a ride to my appointment in a little bit?" I asked, sitting on the other side of Theo.

"Sure, what time do we leave?" She asked, I knew she'd say yes.

"Noon, I have to be there by twelve thirty." I said, brushing a bit of dust off the coffee table.

"Alright, what do you guys wanna do in the meantime?" Betty asked, slouching over on the couch and folding her hands together.

"I'm not sure, we could go to the small shops nearby before my appointment. Then head to Centerville Mall afterwards." I suggested.

"Okay, sounds good." Theo agreed, but obviously lost in what's on the tv. I looked over to see that it was the news. They were talking about a murder in Centerville. The three of us looked at each other. Glad that it wasn't any of our small towns.

After the news ended it was already ten twenty. So we decided to go out to some local shops before my appointment. Then head to the mall afterwards.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was Jughead. He was probably calling to check in.

"Hey, what's up love?" I asked, while looking at a deep blue dress that was Asymmetrical with a bit of ruffles going down. The slit was almost waist high, above the middle of the thigh but not high enough to reach the waist line.

"Nothing, just on break so I figured I'd call. What're you up to, babe?" He said, his toned laced with boredom.

"Just shopping before my appointment. I still haven't heard back from Vee, Ross, and Rina." I said, worry lacing my words.

"They will, just give them a bit. I haven't heard back from Reggie, Nick, or Harvey. They're probably still there having fun." He said, worry in his tone but he was trying to reassure me.

"Okay, later we have to talk. I'm sure you know what about." I said, in a monotone.

"Okay, I love you." He said, in the usual cheesy high pitch tone.

"I love you too " I said, in the same tone.

We hung up and I continued shopping. I looked at the time and realized that it was almost noon. I went looking for Betty and Theo. They were two isles down from the one I was at. We went for a quick lunch at Pop's. After we ate, we split the bill evenly. After that, we drove to my appointment. Theo and Betty waited in the car.

It was just a check up to see how my body is healing. I went in and filled out the paperwork. Answering all of the usual questions. I turned the paperwork in and sat down to wait.

About twenty minutes later I was called in back by a nurse with her long blonde/brown hair tied in a ponytail. She was about 4'7" but I couldn't be sure. She was shorter than me.

I walked in back and she had me step on a scale. The scale said I weigh 141.50 pounds and ounces. Then the height checker. It said I was 5'6", the usual height for normal people.

I checked to see if Vee or anyone texted. But there were only memes from Betty and Theo. They were making fun of Cheryl from the way she acted the other day. It was quite funny. The lady brought me to a room and I asked more questions. Then I waited for the doctor.

I waited for about ten minutes before he came in. He sat on the little black cushioned stool. Asked more questions than checked the parts that had been broken.

"Well, you seem to be healing properly. Have you been moving around?" He asked, curious but joking at the same time.

"Not a lot, and nothing that could put me back in the hospital. Mainly just to the bathroom and the kitchen. But my boyfriend mainly makes me stay in bed." I answered truthfully.

He looked skeptical at first but he read my expression and the changed. "Well, everything seems to be good. Anything unusual goin' on?" He asked. Making sure everything is good before releasing me.

"No, nothing out of the normal. Just feel better than before." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Alrighty then, I'll be back with the discharge papers and send you in your merry way. Pretty sure you have plans." He said, jokingly.

"Okay, and yeah. My friends and I are going to Centerville Mall to shop." I said, grabbing my bag for when I got discharged.

The doctor nodded than left. About fifteen minutes later the nurse came in and handed me my papers. She led me to the front then called someone else.

I left for the parking lot where Theo and Betty were waiting. I got in the passenger seat, Theo in back, and Betty driving.

"So, how was your appointment?" Theo asked, obviously curious but worried that I would be mad he'd asked.

"It was good. Everything is healing properly. The doctor said that it's good to be walking around and doing stuff. As long as it's not heavy lifting." I told him. Half turned in my seat.

We started down the road. Centerville was an hour and a half away. So we needed to get there before it got too late.

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