Chapter 13 - Wil

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The popular restaurant near the office was a Korean Barbeque joint. It was extremely spacious, clearly made for corporate groups. Long tables lined the sides of the open one-room industrial room with tubes all over for the grills. I was still in shock at the idea of Kora going to a group event, willingly—somewhat.

I accidentally sat next to her. Our carpool came first and she was the last off form the other car, forcing her to be at the head of the long table and me directly next to her. She didn't hesitate to sit, but I'm sure she'd regret it soon and beg someone to switch spots with her.

Everyone sat down and Ryan quickly stood up. She smiled then asked what drinks we're getting. Many said beer, but neither I nor Kora liked beer. I waited for her to ask for a water since she didn't drink much.

"Soju please." She lifted two finger to imply 2 bottles. My eyes shot open at the question. I'd never seen her drink anything other than wine when we were finally of age. Maybe a shot once or twice, but that was the extent of it.

"When did that start?" I whispered to her form the corner of her mouth as the table debated different drink combinations they should all order.

She creased her forehead but didn't look at me as she coldly spat. "When did what start?"

I watched her expression and how she avoided me. I wanted to look directly into her eyes, but didn't mind her looking away, giving me the opportunity to just watch her, uninterrupted. "Drinking."

She scoffed. "I've been drinking for years."

I smiled. "No you haven't." She glared at me. Crap. Little did she know I had a few mutual friends that kindly updated me on her happenings. She never posted herself drinking, so I just assumed. Hopefully she didn't pick up on that. "I mean—I know you." "You don't know anything." She turned to her other side to converse with one of the marketing assistants. A pretty, short asian girl who always spoke with an overly sweet smile.

The talked a moment and I let myself watch Kora again. There was a good chance no one would remember tonight — based off how excited everyone was to leave early and drink — so I risked looking a little obvious.

My stupid eyes kept looking at that ring.

What a ridiculous ring. It wasn't her color, or her style. She hated silver and never looked good in it. She was always in gold or rose gold. She always said silver looked drab. It's size seemed uncharacteristic too. The diamond alone was small, nothing note-worthy. But the thick band distracted from her elegant slender fingers. What kind of man would choose this for her? I remembered the days I began ring shopping for her. I would have gotten her the perfect ring. In fact, it was picked out already, it was ordered, then never finalized...

I shook away the thought and image of the thin gold band and the 'baguette bar' that sat in the middle. At least that's what the jeweler called it. I thought they were joking—they weren't as amused.

Fate placed a bottle of beer before me and I began chugging it instantly before the girl next to Kora stuck hers out to cheers everyone. I wiped my mouth and complied, clinking all the glasses next to me except for Kora's. She clinked once or twice then took a swig herself, not bothering to use the little glasses provided with the bottle.

"So..." I leaned closer to her a little more. It all felt so... high school... but I didn't particularly mind. "How long were you going to hide the fact that you can't fire me?" It was a bad time to poke at her probably, but it looked like she would get hammered today too, so there was a chance she'd be too drunk soon and forget anything I'd ask.

I wanted to ask a lot. The more drunk she'd get, the more likely she would be to answer deeper questions. That would be my chance, but I would start small now.

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