Chapter 21 - Kora

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My brain was in a musty, erotic fog. Nothing but pleasure, mist, and the best feeling I'd ever felt between my legs. My head spun and I wasn't sure if my eyes rolled so far back I entered a different dimension, or if I was somehow dreaming all of this.

I writhed against him, having long ago ignored his command to not move. I couldn't. My hands were holding the sides of the table, my thighs were fighting his grip. My lip nearly drew blood at how firmly I bit into it. "Come for me K." He murmured against my clit and rolled his tongue over my wetness, smearing even more moisture around my entire area. I tried to clench against the growing tension. His entire face heated me while it buried between my legs. I wanted to release and let go—to give him everything he wanted from me. But a part of me wanted that control. I had brought him to his knees and I loved the feeling of that power. He was taking me, indulging in me, unwilling to let anything or anyone intercede. I couldn't fathom how it was feeling this great. It should be illegal to feel this good. It was so good it felt wrong. I moaned loudly when he sucked the top of my clit while giving my breast the perfect squeeze. My whole body was flushed and I needed more.

Nothing existed outside of this and if we were to spend all night engulfed in this euphoria, I wouldn't blink at the idea.

I didn't know if it was the moment, or the husk in his voice when he spoke, but I was so close to the edge, I could have practically broken off a piece of the table.

"Wil—" I barely squeaked out. "Come on baby..." He retreated his fingers all the way out before he thrust them all the way in me while his tongue pushed more pleasure to the edge, reaching a spot that shuddered my entire body. "Come..."

The growl against my bud was nearing my undoing, but the joining of the third finger pushed me over the edge until all I felt and heard was ringing and my own scream drowning out every other motion. I felt the vibration of his moan against me. I swore my orgasm extended from the feel of it.

My shudder finished and my senses slowly returned when his tongue finished its last taste of me, lapping up everything left over.

My breathing normalized when he relaxed his grip on my thighs. I was convinced an outline of his hand would be imprinted on me permanently at how much I fought against him.

But it was the kiss he planted on each thigh that melted my heart before he slowly rose and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. The motion melted me into the table. His hands planted themselves on each side of my waist. I licked my lips as my breathing continued to slow and I glazed over his eyes, trying to keep mine open.

He towered over me again, a few feet away from my face. I could smell the damage I'd done to him from this close. I looked down to his waist. I glimpsed a little at his erection and the sight already had me ready for more. God, was he always this beautiful? This sculpted? Even through his unbuttoned shirt I could cut my tongue on his collarbones.

My hand twitched in preparation for what was next but a low "No." from him stopped me.

I looked carefully at his expression, trying to analyze what it meant. "If we're going to do this, we're doing it the right way this time."

My breath hitched at the uncertainty of his words. What did he have in mind? Was there some idea he had regarding this—us? Was this about to become super kinky? Because I was completely down for that.

He stepped back, pulling me up at the low of my back.
It was such a strong and sudden movement I braced against his chest. He held me so closely and securely. Our lips were only an inch apart. His other hand snaked into the back of my neck. The feeling heated me even more. As natural as it felt, I couldn't believe we haven't been doing this all along. My hands pressed against his chest, feeling just how firm he was under the thin shirt. I slowly began to unbutton it, but only made it one button down when he grabbed my wrist.

"We're doing this...the right way. In bed, or in a castle, somewhere you belong. Not here—" He slowly kissed me and it was way more tender than I expected from him.

"Not like this." He kissed again. My shoulders loosened at his gentle touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a firmer kiss, trying for more.

"I don't care where." I whispered before I slid my tongue through his lips. He gripped my neck even stronger. I clenched onto his shirt. "I can't believe this." He spoke, gasping for breath. "Me neither." We kissed and kissed. "I'm never letting you go again."

I froze at his words. He kept kissing me. I couldn't think. I pushed him away softly. We gently panted away from each other. "What do you mean?" I asked. His forehead creased and a soft, loving tone escaped him. "I meant what I said. This is it — you're it for me K. I'm never letting you go again. Now that we're back together—"

I leaned back slightly. "We're not back together." I whispered matter-of-factly. He winced in what looked like pain. "Kora—you can't be serious." A painful silence filled the entire room.

I cowered from him, moving out of his grip. Even though I missed his touch immediately I wasn't going to mislead him. I might hate him at times, but I would never mess with his emotions — not like this at least.

"No Wil. You can't be serious." I pulled down my skirt. The movement made it seem like I regretted what just happened, but I didn't. "One hook-up doesn't mean we're back together. We hate each other, Wil."

He took a step back. I hated the feeling. I wasn't really hurting him, was I? I actually felt a little...bad.
"Wil—this can't be surprising... I mean..." "You think I hate you K?" I scoffed in slight unbelief. "I know you hate me..." He rubbed his face a moment before his hands rested on his hips. "Do you hate me?"
I hated that we were talking. I didn't want to talk. The whole point of this was to get under him in order to get over him, per Trinas instructions. Damn you Trina. This was not at all how I thought this was going to go.

Although I imagined I'd be more embarrassed by something like this, the guilt I felt brought such shame. I hated the pit that grew in my gut, but I didn't want to show it. I didn't want to show anything to him right now. He'd already seen too much of my heart. I felt so exposed right now.

"Answer the question K." Somehow that one minute seemed to have exhausted him, even aged him. He looked so mature right now and I felt like a dumb kid. My mouth couldn't move. I couldn't move. Of course I didn't hate him. Well, sometimes I did, but I didn't hate anybody more than me.

I walked by where I dropped my bag and picked it up, turning to leave. "No." A small whisper. I wasn't even sure he heard it, but he grabbed my wrist when I was near the door. I couldn't look in his eyes. Not again.

He gripped it tightly. "Stop Kora. You're better than this. Don't run away from me again. Can't we just talk?"
I didn't know what this was. I looked up to him, hesitating.
His stupid sad eyes could make me do anything right now. "There's nothing to talk about." I grit my teeth to have some form of control over my body because at this point I wanted to cry. "Kora..." His voice was too real, too raw. It started to hurt. "You're the love of my life, and I—" "Wil—" I winced at the crack in my voice. "Please, if you're not going to sleep with me to get this over with, then let me go."
It was a stupid thing to say, but I didn't have the energy or heart to say what I really wanted to. I didn't want to say anything...I didn't want to feel anything—that was the whole point of this.

"Kora..." He swallowed. It sounded painful, but I couldn't look at him. If I did I would definitely cry.

He thought too hard at what to say. I just wanted him to let me go at this point. I could feel his tension. "Fine. I'll let you go...if that's what you want. This time."

I stayed rigid, facing the door. "Thank you." I said in a somewhat-normal voice.
"But, please Kora, at least try to understand that I never wanted to hurt you. If you never want to speak to me again, that's fine, but know that I never wanted to..." The words seemed to hurt him, "Sleep with you and leave you."
I needed to go home. Right. Now.
"I'll think about it." I pulled away from his grip and opened the door. I stepped into the doorway. Despite needing to leave and do whatever I could to forget this night, I fought my better judgement and looked him in the eyes.

"Go home Wil. We have an early day tomorrow." I walked out as quickly as I could without looking too eager.
"Goodnight." He spoke into the night.
I cried all the way home until Trina soothed me to bed.

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