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Arpine POV
Walking to the bakery gives me time to think. I know something is up with Lila but I can't think of what. Flairre and I had a chat but nothing so far yet. I see the Bakery come into view and smile. Walking in the scent of baked goods fill my nostrils. Mari walks downstairs and gives me a hug. I grin as I greet her parents before leaving the bakery. "How are you?"" I ask her. "I am doing pretty good." says Mari. "I am just trying to stay focused."" She replies. "Good. How are the fabrics I gave you?" I ask. "Super good! I love the different colors and the new sketchbook." I smile at her and she grins. We approach the school as we continue to talk fabrics and different designs. I walk up the stairs and see Lila waiting for us. She frowns at Marinette who also frowns back. "Arpine! Let's hang out at lunch today!" She says while rushing over and hugging me. "Sorry Lila. But I promised Marinette that I would hang out with her today. And I don't like to break promises." I tell her. " Aren't we friends? Why would you hang out with someone who hates me?" She says her voice cracking. " Marinette doesn't hate you I am sure it's just a misunderstanding." I reply. "You don't care! You still hang out with her!" At this point Alya stomps over to us and comforts Lila. " How could you do this to her!" She says angrily. " You know Marinette hates Lila and you choose to hang out with Marinette."" She says while glaring at me. " Marinette is my cousin! I've known her since we were two years old! I know that Mari wouldn't hate someone unless she had a reason to."" I growl out. "I cannot believe this!" Alya spits out before leading Lila inside. I sigh before turning to Marinette whose face is pink. Before I can say anything she darts inside without another word. Taking a deep breath I head inside to class. I sit next to Mari and I don't miss the glares Alya sends my way. I ignore her and focus on class. Time flies and the bell rings for lunch. Walking out I see Mari, not ready to talk to her yet, I quickly get to a nearby bathroom and get into a stall. The bathroom is empty and stall adds protection in case someone walks in. Flatter comes out my jacket. "Are you okay?" She asks me. "I'm fine. I can't believe Lila would accuse Mari of hating her. I mean sure Mari doesn't like people but she wouldn't hate someone unless she had a reason to." I reply back. "Things will become clear soon. The most you can do is be there for Marinette and support her." I nod. Suddenly I hear screams. Flairre quickly hides as I run out to see what's going on. I see people being turned into crystals. Looking up I see a blue blast heading towards me. Adrenaline pumping I manage to roll and dodge out of the way. I see the akumatized villain. "I am sapphire! All will be my crystal empire! I will protect those from evil!" Sapphire cries out.
Outfit: (pretend it's crystals)

 I see shadows over head and ladybug and chat noir jump in front of me

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I see shadows over head and ladybug and chat noir jump in front of me. "Get out of here it's not safe!" Ladybug cries out! Nodding I run upstairs to an empty classroom where I can still watch the battle. Ladybug and chat noir fend off Sapphire's attacks. Flairre peeks out my jacket. "Look at Sapphire. Doesn't she look familiar?" Flairre asks. I look at Sapphire and gasp. "It's Alya! She got akumatized." I look at Sapphire and realize ladybug and chat noir are leading her from the school. Following them, I keep up with them watching the battle. Needing a better view. I enter a nearby building and manage to get on the roof and watch. Ladybug and chat noir manage to distract Sapphire but can't get the akumatized object and retreat a little bit. I see Sapphire smirk and realize in horror that she has an opening to attack. Which she does. She manages to trap chat noir in a crystal. "Your cataclysms too weak kitten." Sapphire taunts. Ladybug tries to stop Sapphire but also gets caught in a crystal. "Your miraculouses are mine!" Sapphire exclaims happily. "Ladybug and chat noir are in trouble! They need help." I say. Flairre peeks out again. "Are you ready for this?" She asks. "Yes" I reply. "Then let's do it." Nodding I cry out "Flairre flame up!" I transform into Phoenix. I have a better view of Sapphire due to being up high. I pull my weapon and it turns into a bow. Loading an arrow I wait for the right time to strike. "Which miraculous should I take first? Ladybug or chat noir?" Sapphire taunts. She steps closer. "Gotcha." I say. Letting the arrow fly it strikes the ground. Knocking Sapphire back and leaving her ladybug and chat noir in confusion and shock. Time to make a grand entrance. I take a deep breath and stand back before jumping off the building and spreading my wings. I land right in front of the trapped Ladybug and chat noir. Sapphire looks angry. Monarch butterfly outline appears on her face and then disappears. "I see you gave out another miraculous ladybug! It won't help you" Sapphire grins evilly. "Actually ladybug didn't give me this miraculous." I state. "Actually she hasn't even heard of it." I smile back, my arrow turning into a staff. "Who are you?" Sapphire asks. "The names Phoenix and you won't be getting any miraculouses today." I say. Sapphire growls before launching crystals at me. Twirling my staff, I feel the energy burn through it easily destroying the crystals. Taking off once more, my staff turns back into a bow and I shoot off many arrows at her. She dodges them using her crystal as a shield. She uses her staff to fling a large crystal at me. I try to defend but get knocked down. She trapped me in her crystal. "Looks like Phoenix is a mere trapped bird!" Sapphire cackles. "Before I take your miraculouses I have other business to attend to!" She flies away. "Nice effort" says chat noir. "Chat you ain't seen nothing yet." I grin. "Taking my bow once more it shifts its form to a pulse of energy in my fist. I punch the crystal shattering it. I do the same to ladybug and chat noir. The energy becomes a bow again. "Woah! That's amazing! Chat replies. "A pheonix miraculous is strange. I never heard of it." Ladybug says giving me a suspicious look. "Thats because it's a forbidden miraculous." I say. "Let's find sapphire first and I'll explain later." Ladybug nods and we track Sapphire down to Marinette's bakery the whole thing is encased in crystal. "We got to stop her." I say. Ladybug calls on her lucky charm revealing a polka dotted Phoenix shaped pendant. "I think the lucky charm is saying we need your special power." Says ladybug. I nod. "What is your power? " asks Chat Noir. "Stay tuned" I reply. Sapphire comes out and we engage in battle. Soon she summons a super large crystal intending to smash all of Paris. "Phoenix now!" Ladybug cries out as they both land behind me. "Stand back'" I call out to them. Confused they both take a few steps back. Focusing on the energy within I call on my power. "Phoenix Flame!" I cry. I feel the hot pulsing energy flowing through me starting at the bottom of my feet to my head. My eyes glow golden as a full pheonix emerges from me. I take off getting higher than the crystal. I use my weapon and shoot an arrow directly at the crystal. Commanding the Phoenix, it merges with the arrow giving it pure energy. The Phoenix arrow shatters the crystal taking Sapphire off guard. I turn my bow into a whip and snatch her staff. I toss it to chat noir who breaks it. The akuma flutters out and ladybug purifies it. She called on her ladybug to fix the damage. Alya returns to normal. My Phoenix I summoned returns back to normal big and bright. Alya looks shocked and moves to take a picture. "Phoenix Fade!" I say. The Phoenix fades away. Alya grins and runs up to me. "Can I get an interview please? Who are you?" She asks excitedly. "Check the news for footage of who I am" I reply. She nods. "Sorry for getting akumatized. I got angry at an incident in school but I'm fine now." She says. We all nod at her before she leaves. "A real Phoenix?!" Squeals Chat Noir. "It was so big and bright and awesome!" He says "But how did you get your miraculous and why have we never heard of it?" Asks ladybug. My bracelet beeps. "Let's recharge and meet up at the Eiffel Tower.  I will explain everything there." I say. They nod and go separate ways to recharge. I fly to a nearby roof and detransform, "Iceberg" I say as I detransform. I feed Flairre a hot pepper. "Are you ready to tell Ladybug and chat noir about being chosen as Phoenix? Flairre asks me. " I am. They deserve to know. I know ladybug doesn't trust me right now but I'm hoping once I explain everything, she would give me a chance." I say. Flairre nods eating another hot pepper. "Good luck. I'm ready to transform when you are." She says. I transform again and take off for the Eiffel Tower.

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