Chapter 1. The Mystery Girl Appears

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(A/N: Yeah, chapter one will go on for another 4 or less chapters. also sorry for not updating a lot. demotivation and stress just bitch slapped me last week but here i am now! anyways enjoy!)

Ringo: It's the shopping district! We're here!

Y/N: Haven't been here in a while!

Tee: Awestruck There are so many different pieces on exhibit...

Tee: What a lively place!

O: Piiiippipipi!

Y/N: You've never seen a shopping district before?

Ringo: Well those "exhibits" are actually goods that shops are selling!

Ringo: Is this your first time shopping Tee?

Tee: Yeah. We spend most of our day on board the starship.

Tee: We rarely ever go out.

Y/N: That must suck...

O: Piipipipipipipii!

Ringo: Oh man, a starship... That sounds so awesome!

Ringo: Man, You're so lucky. I wish i could ride around in a starship

Tee: Maybe when we have some spare time.

Y/N: Sweet!

Tee: Right now, we have a mission to focus on. But once that's over...

Ringo & Y/N: You mean it!?

Ringo: Aw yeah, that's all the motivation I need! Time to find our culprit!

Y/N: I just wanna see a ship! That sounds really fun!

Ringo: Maybe we'll be lucky and find them around here somewhere.

Y/N: Who knows?

Ringo: I imagine they'd be wandering around, mumbling about worlds merging...

Ringo: You know, some total weirdo who's gone completely bonkers.

Y/N: To be fair, anyone could be mumbling about that if they knew...

Tee: chuckle Yeah, sure.

Tee: As if something so astronomically improbable could ever-

???: ... Merging... of the worlds...

???: Fun...

??? chuckles evilly

All 3: Is that...

Ringo: Our culprit!?

O: Pipipiiii!?

??? gasps

Ringo: Excuse me, miss! I've got kind of a weird question for you.

Ringo: You wouldn't happen to be in the world merging business, would you!?

???: Hmph...

Tee: Whoa... The surrounding air is thick with energy.

Y/N: May I ask how you would know that?

Tee: I came from a spaceship.

Y/N: Oh yeah.

Ringo: Then she HAS to be the one we're looking for.

???: ... It's too early.

Y?N: Wh- what do you mean?

??? runs away

Tee: Hey, she's getting away!

Ringo: Hold it right there!

Soon after ??? run's. Large Puyos and Tetriminos block the party's way

Ringo gasps in shock

Ringo: There are a bunch Puyos and Tetriminos up ahead!

Y/N sighs in disappointment

Y/N: So close yet so far...

Tee: Looks like we have to clear them out in order to pass through

Ringo: groan Looks like we don't have a choice! Y/N! Tee! Let's do this!

Y/N & Tee: Yeah!


Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Ringo having a snowball fight

Tee: panting That should be that last of 'em.

Y/N: That was interesting to say the least!

Ringo: Yeah... but we lost her trail.

Y/N: On the bright side! We know what she looks like!

Ringo: Yeah! So thats a win for us!

Tee: She certainly was quick

O: Pipipipipi? Pippipipi pi pipipi!

Tee: Yeah, you're right, O.

Tee: Ex likely sensed a suspicious presence

Tee: That why he sent us here

Y/N: I still don't get how you understand O but whatever!

Ringo; If thats the case then lets get moving!

Ringo: We have a job to get done!

Tee & Y/N: Right!

O: Pipi!

(A/N: i had to rush this so my bad if its not that good. also i wanted to add some more characters to this because... its a fanfic. anyways if you want your OC in this god forsaken book. put em in the request page ill make after this posts. With that out the way, i hope yall have a good day/night!)

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