Our Meet

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Siya P.O.V

I can't find Lilo or Ajla, and it's my turn on stage Oh my god I'm freaking-
"GIVE IT UP FOR THE GHOOMAR QUEEN SIYA!" The MC announced in Hindi, and I went on stage

(The girl in red is Siya, the 2 boys and the lady in pink are the judges and the rest are backup dancers)

I went backstage as the dance finished, and saw someone handsome yet suspicious, I saw him looking at me and I froze, his gaze was piecring into my soul, I could feel myself getting flustered

Taehyung P.O.V
Woah....she's so pretty, I slowly approached her, as she moved back and her back hit against the wall
"Don't be scared princess......I won't hurt you" I say gently, moving her veil out of her face

I noticed her frightened eyes, and beautiful face, I caress her right cheek with my hand, and hold her waist
I chuckled as her eyes widened
"Don't be scared love" I say, and kiss her cheek
"H-Hey!" she jumped slightly, making me laugh
"I'm V" I run my hand along her dress

"S-siya" she mumbled
"Pretty just like you" I say, and let her go and she ran away

Siya P.O.V

"Why are you taking long!?" Rohit yelled as he bursts the door open 


He slapped me harshly and I fell to the floor, and he grabbed the perfume and broke it on my body, tears fell out of my eyes

"Stop! please!" I cry out in pain, as he hit me again, and picked my up by my hair, throwing me on the bed
"Please!" "SHUT UP!" He yelled loudly and kicked in the stomach, making me shout in pain
"Rohit!" He punched my legs and threw me off the bed, and I was unconscious as he picked me up and took me to his home


I woke up in Rohit's room and got off the bed, and saw Rohit coming out of the shower half naked, with a towel wrapped around his waist, he smirked, and back hugged me, Bipolar man.

"Mine" He said, and just then his father called him cause 3 mafia's had came to his house with 2 girls, and I covered my bruises and he got changed, I wore a white dress and came downstairs and guess who was there? LILO AND AJLA?! and the V guy!

"Meet the Korean mafia boss son, Kim Taehyung" my eyes widened and I look at him....but he looked mad and jealous? I went to Lilo and pulled her away, Ajla following closely

"WHAT are YOU BOTH doing with them!? THEY'RE MAFIA'S!" I whisper yelled at Lilo and Ajla
"your marrying a mafia" Lilo said
"But- wait I can't fight tha-" A boom was heard and we all ran out to see Taehyung with a gun pointed to the ceiling, his eyes travelled to me, before he signalled the others to leave and left with them.
Rohit P.O.V

(before the gunshot)
"Is Siya your wife?" Taehyung asked me with a cold tone
"Why does it concern you?" I ask annoyedly
"I know you abuse her, and I'll take her with me" He said standing up
"How dare-" gunshot
I looked up and see a hole in the ceiling, just then the 3 girls rushed in, and I sent Siya to our room while the 5 left.

(next chapter out after school)

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