Don't hurt me

19 1 0

Siya P.O.V

I ran into Rohit's room as soon as he told me to, and sat on the bed, my hands trembling
I gasp as a hard hand grasps my hair, and brings me closer to their face
"How do you know Kim Taehyung?" Rohit asked angrily, making me shiver in fear
"I-I don't I swear," I say closing my eyes
"Don't lie lovely, it'll be bad" He said, pulling my hair even more
"I don't!" I yell in pain

Warning Abusion

"That's it" Rohit slapped me across the face harshly, sending me straight to the ground and clutching my red cheek
"Don-" "You have no say in this" Rohit grabbed the vase and broke it, grabbing a sharp piece

"N-no!" I moved back towards the wall, as Rohit came towards me with threating steps, holding the glass piece in his hand
"Please Rohit! I beg you!" I cry as he kneels in front of me, tracing the glass piece over my cheek
"I told you lovely, you shouldn't lie" "I didn't! I swear I don't know hi-" I let out a shrilling scream as he pierced the glass into my arm, and I try to get away
"Rohit!" "Let out one more scream, and I will do something worse then a monster" He said threatingly, making me sob quietly with my arm over his was R.K short for ROHIT KAPOOR

"This'll teach you to not lie to me EVER"
He threw a hanger on my head, making me unconscious and left to probably go drink and flirt with other girls.


I woke up hours later in the same spot, my arm having dried blood, and my head bleeding, I got up with weak legs, and went to the bathroom, and cleaned myself up sitting on the floor, I looked at myself in the mirror, and wondered how did I get myself in this mess?



"Siya!" My dad called me and I ran downstairs
"yes baba?" I stood on the first step, and look around the couches, there were 2 men, one looking around 45 and one looking around 20, I greeted them and looked at my dad
"What's wrong baba?" I ask, going towards him
"meet your future husband, Rohit" My eyes widened
"I'm 17-" "Doesn't matter, your marrying him"

End of Flashback

I cried in the mirror, watching my tears casacade down my red cheeks, why did life have to be this unfair?
"Siya!" Rohit yelled, and I ran out, he immediately came over, and picked me up bridal style, this was his behaviour, hurting me, then coating over, but I found out, not to mix sugar with salt, he took me to the bed and placed me down gently, before laying down on top of me, and he grabbed my wrist, making me hands play with his hair, and I did until he fell asleep

(I did all this without wifi)

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