The mutation circle

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Undead city-Altraud
At the peak of the dungeon of shadows

Arya rushed towards the altar and sat in front of it with her knees on the ground. She closed her eyes and after clapping her hands twice, loudly made her wish.

"Please let me see my dead mother in exchange for my eyes"
She waited for something to happen but nothing happened causing her to frown in annoyance. She turned to Arthur and while pointing her fingers towards the Panther, complained.
"Arthur, this cat's cheating. It brought us to the wrong place"

Her remark caused a tick mark to appear on the Panther's head but before it could do anything Arthur stopped it. Turning towards Arya he explained.
"The circle you are standing on is called a mutation circle. It helps mutate a part of your body or regain a lost body part nothing more, nothing less. Maya demonstrate" he requested and found her cheekily staring back at him.

"Hmm, what do I get in return? Oh I know, I want to play with that cat" she asked with a predatory gleam in her eyes.
"I am a panther" the Panther screamed in irritation about being called a cat multiple times but was ignored. Arthur gave the Panther a sidelong glance and with a sigh inquired for more.
"What will you do with it?"
"Oh nothing much, just want to spend some time with it"

He nodded at that and shook hands with Maya.
"What about my opinion?" the Panther asked annoyed but Maya ignored it and walked towards the magic circle with cheerful steps.

After reaching the centre of the circle she pulled one of her teeth and placed it on the circle. Immediately a black gas emerged from the circle and swallowed the tooth. After that, the Alter at the centre of the magic circle emitted an eerie back gas that formed a vague image of a hooded skeleton holding a sickle in one hand and a blank plate in the other hand.

After completely consuming the tooth, letters appeared on the blank plate.
<analysis of the tooth complete.
Number of mutations-0/3
Possible mutations
-regaining the lost heart
-bone hardening
-brain sharpening
Choose the mutations from the list
Warning: once a part is mutated, it cannot be mutated again>

Maya nodded at the possible mutations and chose to regain the heart. She won't be able to modify her heart with the mutation circle ever again but she was okay with it.
She pressed the option for regaining the heart and immediately the sickle in the hands of the eerie skeleton turned into gas and entered Maya's body. A few seconds later the gas left her body and returned to the skeleton which then merged back into the alter.

Maya stared at her body and found a pulsating heart in her ribcage. The tip of the heart produced a green hue which spread equally to all the chambers of her heart and gave it a green glow.
Maya marvelled at her newfound strength for a few seconds and then ripped two pages in her skill book to obtain two skills of her own.

They were <speed drain> and <health drain>

<speed drain> Support type
An active skill that consumes hue to drain the opponent's speed and gives a portion of it to the user. The more the opponent's speed the more the speed boost that the user gains.
Range-10 meters(can improve with practice)

<health drain> Support type
An active skill that consumes hue to drain the opponent's health and gives a portion of it to recover the user's lost health. The more healthy the opponents the more the recovery.
Range- 10 meters(can improve with practice)

Maya placed her hand on the two papers containing the skill and covered them with her hue. Immediately the skill circle appeared in two separate chambers of her heart. The hue in those chambers rushed into the circle and activated them for instantaneous use.

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