Wake Up

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(A/N: Haiii! After 2 weeks, I FINISHED THE FIRST CHAPTERRRRRRR!!! Thank you so much to Kasey (kermitkc on AO3 and discord) for proof reading this! It really means a lot!

Hope you enjoy this first (official) chapter!)


New York City, 1994

It was dark out, and it was a busy night. The street lights were already on, cars honking, and people were hyped up.

Sunset Curve, a band of four 19-year old college dropouts, were playing their sold-out gig at the Orpheum this particular night. The members of Sunset Curve had come all the way from Brighton, a small town in Illinois.

A guitar was heard being plugged in and as the others were getting ready, the drummer counted the band in.

“1,2,3!” the blonde shouted from the drumset, leading the band into the song.

~ Now Or Never (Performed by Sunset Curve)~

Take off

Last stop

Countdown ‘till we blast open the top

Face first

Full charge

Electric hammer to the heart

Clocks move forward

But we don't get older, no

Kept on climbing

‘Till our stars collided

And all the times we fell behind

Were just the keys to paradise

Don't look down

'Cause we're still rising

Up right now

And even if we

Hit the ground

We'll still fly

Keep dreaming like we'll live forever

But live it like it's now or never!

Hear the noise

In my head

It's calling out like a voice I can't forget

One life

No regrets

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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