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We see The Milano and Ego's Ship Landing on his Planet which was Lucious and Beautiful

We see The Milano and Ego's Ship Landing on his Planet which was Lucious and Beautiful

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All: Whoa

They Landed and Exited their Ship as Ego was standing there 

Ego: Welcome to my Planet 

Izuku: This Place is Nice

Ego: Yea Ashame I Have no one to live with

Mantis: Except me 

AM: Gahh

Mantis: Did I Scare You

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Mantis: Did I Scare You

AM:.....A Little 

Ego: This is Mantis My Assistant 

Rocket: Why does she have the thing Angler Fish have 

Izuku: Rocket Be Nice 

Mantis: what's an Angler Fish

Izuku: uhhh Something from our planet 

Mantis: I See Nice to Meet you son of Ego 

Ego: she will help you all Get settled in

Nejire: what are you exactly

Ego: I am what's called a Celestial Sweetheart

Izuku stopped and Looked at his Dad 

Izuku: A Celestrial Like a God 

Ego: Small Jeez Son at least on the Day's I'm Feeling as Humble as All Might

Momo: No Offense but He's not Humble

AM: Hey 

They walked into his Palace and Saw how Gorgeous it Looked and All Were impressed as They walked towards a Brain Thing

Ego: I don't know where I came from Exactly, The First thing I Remember is Flickering Adrift in the cosmos Uterly and Entirely Alone

Izuku: *Looking amazed*

Ego: Over Millions of Years I learned to control The Molecules Around Me, They Loose Smarter and Stronger and I continued Building from there *Showing off planet being built* Layer by Layer The Very Planet You walk on Now But I wanted more 

Izuku: Like Love?

Ego: Yea But i fucked a Slut 

Kyouka: That's Kinda messed up

Ego: Yea Could have Gotten an STD

Mina: so does Izzy Have These Powers

Ego: Oh Yea and I can Train him to use them

Izuku: That would be pretty Badass 

Ego: Yea it would but lets go Eat but Mantis can I speak with you ALone

Mantis; Yes 

They went to a Dining Hall as Ego Looked at Her 

Ego: If you Even think about Telling them about My Plan I'll Kill you 

Mantis: But Izuku's My Brother 

Ego: and I Don't Give a SHit Don't Ruin my Plan Or you'll Regret it 

*With Izuku's Group*

Izuku: Well Things aren't so Bad 

AM: I have to AGree but we should Stay Vigilant 

D.Va: I've gotten Chills 

SOmbra: Yea He gives me the creeps 

Izuku: Don't worry he does one thing sketchy We'll leave and Never Look Back 

Groot: I am Groot

Izuku: if he trys to stop us Groot we'll Defeat him 

All Might was glad as he saw Ego and Mantis Arriving





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