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Location: Miami, Florida Time: 2:00 amDate: Thursday 09/11/2023

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Location: Miami, Florida
Time: 2:00 am
Date: Thursday 09/11/2023

Walking inside of the warehouse Sergio saw his two brothers and Damion coming from different directions. He gave the three men hugs patting their back three times singling to let go. Damion had to go lay low because he was on the radar for the murder of two cops on south beach in broad daylight now that they had got that situated he was back better and ready to get back to work.

Going to the lower level of the basement they all saw the products in green and white plastic wrap Sergio smiled at his brother happy that he was able to pull if off and get everything handled on his own. While Juan was gone Sergio had a lot of thinking to do about how to become a better husband and a better boss for the family organization.

Walking to one of the pallets Alejandro took out a pocket knife cut the side of it placing the blade inside of it sitting it on his gum seeing if he thought it was good or not. Deciding that it was he looked back at the men and smiled saying that it was good. Walking back up it was time to talk numbers and business.

"How's Jayla?" Damion asked sitting back in his chair.

"She's doing good, the kids are doing good." Sergio said slightly smiling thinking about the breakthrough that the family had in a week.

"That's good." Alejandro said lighting up his blunt.

"We are expected to profit at least 80 mil from this after the workers are paid. Jayla wants to get her club back but of course she is not going to allow us to was money there till she makes her profit."

"What's her profit?" Juan asked.

"We didn't go into more details but knowing her if it was 20,000 last time I know she about to run out this time so when I find out her number I'll be sure to let y'all know because she's going to need all the foot traffic she can get."

"When do we go to Sicily?" Damion asked looking from the calendar back to Sergio.

"October 15th Enzo and others will be there I would like to prevent bloodshed since my kids will be there. Things are going to change all thanks to you Juan."

"All thanks to me?" He asked confused.

"Yeah you made me realize that you want my life and I should really get better at things before one of us get taken out of the equation."

"One of us."

"Yeah one of us."

"I need you two capos to know that you need to start pressing your soldiers to do more and also if you do not have to full cut this month from the businesses that needs our protection it's coming directly from you. Understand?"

Both men nodded it was obvious that there was a change in the man but it's even more obvious that the crew is not going to like it.

"And Juan every month you'll be going to Cuba for a week to get more no questions asked you'll get to pick your own date."

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