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Location: Miami, FloridaTime: 3:15 amDate: Thursday 10/23/2023

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Location: Miami, Florida
Time: 3:15 am
Date: Thursday 10/23/2023

Rolling over to his side he answered the phone that kept going off.

"Who is this?"

"HE'S DEAD, MY HUSBAND'S DEAD." The voice screamed while crying, sitting up rubbing his face he looked at the time.

"Where are you at?"


"Give me 30 minutes I'll be there."

Getting up he kissed Jayla on the head and went inside of the closet to get dressed. Coming out with clothes on he brushed his teeth and washed his face before rushing down the stairs and heading to the hospital. In the car he tried to calm his nerves because now he need to find someone else on the inside to do this job.

Walking inside of the hospital he walked up to the family and pulled his wife into a hug. She dropped down in Sergio's arm screaming out he held her tightly as the tears fell rubbing her back. Looking to the left he saw Agent Miller and some more officers from the force. Making her sit down he walked over to the agent.

"Do you not have any respect." Sergio spat out.

"I do but I feel like you killed him." Miller said looking at Sergio

"Why the fuck would I kill one of my men what's in that for me?"

"I don't know."

"I believe it was you because he told me about what you had him do and since he was useless to you the FBI killed him."

"You knew."

"Of course now leave and let this man wife grieve in peace."

Sergio turned and walked back to Fran sitting next to her and pulled her on his side as she sniffled trying to hold her tears back. Seeing the doctor come from the back he gave a soft smile to Sergio and Fran before asking if they would like to go see the body. Walking back Sergio kept a firm hold on the woman's hand. Opening the door both of them walked in and she screamed out seeing him pulling her in for a hug he rocked them side to side.

She was too scared to walk any closer to the bed so Sergio sat her in the chair and walked to him placing a hand on his shoulder he sighed. Looking down at the man he felt guilt because all Pete wanted to do was make some money for his kids tuitions and his wife hair salon. Looking up his three kids walked in the room and started back crying walking over to them he kissed them all on the forehead and said he would handle everything pertaining to the memorial.

Driving to the pay phone in Broward he made 12 calls to 12 men. "Pete's down." Sitting in the car he stared at his phone looking at the time 5:45 am if he started driving now he would make it home in time to get the kids ready for today. Starting up the car he drove home looking at the gate with the big "F" on it he sighed going up the drive way he parked and got out going inside of the house and heading for the kitchen he saw Jayla making breakfast.

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