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Location: Miami, Florida Time: 2:30 amDate: Thursday 09/21/2023

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Location: Miami, Florida
Time: 2:30 am
Date: Thursday 09/21/2023

Walking inside of the club she looked around for Juan easily spotting him sitting in the corner with Alejandro approaching the two men Sergio was hot on her tail fixing the gun that was in the waist band of his clothes. Making it to the two men Juan looked up and smiled at her and rolled his eyes at his brother.

She grabbed his hand and attempted to pull him off of the chair but he didn't budge. He like seeing her struggle backing up and pointing at his office door indicating that they needed to have a sit down. Alejandro just watched in amusement he didn't see what his brothers saw in her yes she was nice and decent looking but she wasn't his type.

Finally getting off of the chair Juan bypassed the two of them limping up the stairs with Alejandro next to him and Jayla and Sergio behind them. Going inside of the office the smell of bleach and ammonia hit Jayla's nose they had just killed somebody in here. Everybody stared at each other seeing who was going to speak first. The two brothers stared each other down not paying attention Jayla approached Juan and punched him in the face again, and again, and again.

He didn't do nothing he knew it was wrong to say something but it was in the heat of the moment. Eventually grabbing her hand because the licks were getting harder he pinned her on the desk. In front of his brother might I add.

"Stop." He gritted out through his teeth looking from her eyes down to her boobs seeing her nipples through her white shirt.

"I fucking hate you." She mumbled out.

"I slipped up."

"He could've killed me or did you not think about that." She said spitefully.

"That's all I think about everyday."

Sergio approached the two of them yanking his brother off of her. Pulling him up he saw the scratches that Jayla had put on his face a few minutes ago. Alejandro was sitting at his desk watching everything to him this was entertaining.

"Do you love my wife?" Sergio asked still with his hands on Juan's shoulders.


Jayla froze watching to see what was going to happen next.

Sergio moved his hand from off of his brothers shoulder and went to his waistband knowing what he was getting Juan did the same thing. Now both of them had the guns pointed at each other's head Alejandro jumped up from behind the desk and got between his brothers.

"Quindi voi due permetterete a una donna di essere la causa di tutto questo?" (So you two are going to allow a woman to be the reason behind this?) he questioned shaking his head.

"È molto di più e lui lo sa." (It's more than that and he knows it.) Juan said making eye contact with Sergio

"Io sono il primogenito, lei è mia, lei è mia, non ci pensare più." (I'm the first born it's mine, she's mine get the fuck over it!) Sergio spat out.

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