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I've always been more of an observer, you know? A woman of few words, not exactly the life of the party, but definitely not an outcast or a nerd either. It's kind of odd, really. Despite not being the chatty type, I somehow managed to be pretty popular among my peers. Maybe it's because I'm a good listener, and sometimes people appreciate a bit of advice from me.

Today was no different. I arrived at work a good 15 minutes earlier than usual, intending to ease into the day quietly. But as luck would have it, my coworkers had other plans. Before I knew it, I was being dragged out to the cafeteria for a breath of fresh air.

Now, when most folks think of getting a breath of fresh air, they might envision stepping out onto a terrace or balcony. But for us nurses, it's a different story altogether. Our remedy for a quick break from the hospital smell involves a trip to the cafeteria, where the scent of freshly baked goods and a steaming cup of coffee await.

Once settled around our usual round table, with our customary orders in hand, I took a sip of my coffee as my coworkers initiated the conversation. As nurses, our daily interactions with patients and doctors often lead us to gather more information than strictly necessary, and a bit of gossiping has become somewhat of a routine for us.

"Mr. Harrison was still crying when I went to check on him last night," Mina, one of the nurses, steered the conversation towards a patient she was attending.

"Oh, poor guy," sympathetic voices chimed in as we collectively sighed for the middle-aged man whose kidneys had failed him, along with his marriage.

"She may not be stunning, but somehow she still manages to attract men," remarked one nurse with a disapproving click of her tongue.

"Affairs aren't about looks. It's about loneliness or excitement," countered another nurse, sharing her perspective.

"You know, he told me how he found out about his wife's affair," the ever-so-gossipy nurse, Amber, interjected with a gleam in her eye that suggested she had exclusive information.

"Really? How did it happen?" inquired another nurse eagerly.

"Well, Mr. Harrison mentioned they were having marital issues, and his wife started becoming more distant, focusing more on her work," Amber explained.

"That's how affairs often begin and end – with getting caught," remarked Lilian, our newest colleague, with a hint of disdain.

"Yeah. When he confronted her, she denied everything, insisting they were fine and that she loved him. But the whole world witnessed her infidelity. She threw away fifteen years of marriage for some guy from the street," Amber continued, eliciting collective sighs of sympathy from us all.

"She shattered him and everything they believed in," we lamented in unison, each lost in our own thoughts.

"Fortunately, he had evidence, and the divorce process became more straightforward," Amber concluded.

"It's kind of strange, isn't it, seeing men being cheated on?" someone remarked.

"Absolutely. We often think of women being betrayed by their controlling partners, but men can be victims too," another agreed.

Then, Amber segued into discussing a new beauty brand, but my attention was diverted as my phone rang, signaling an incoming message. Finishing the last sip of my coffee, I reached for my phone and tapped on the message app.

'We are extending our stay for 5 more days. Mary has-'

I paused, tapping to read the full message.

'- things to share. Ryan and we all miss you. Call you tomorrow ❤'

A smile tugged at my lips as I read my mother-in-law message, but when I returned to the message list, another caught my eye. Opening it, I read a message from my husband, sent just five minutes after he dropped me off earlier.

'Leena, my one and only love, you are the best thing that has happened to me. Your Bret only loves you. 💋❤'

His single message lightened the mood, and today's brief time together made me realize how much I missed him. With my husband, I feel peace, though sometimes ashamed, irritated, then giddy knowing my happiness relies on him. My love for him makes me want only him.

"What about you, Leena?" Lillian's voice pulled me back to the present, and I nodded, agreeing to review her sister's beauty product.

Although I was busy on my own thoughts, my ears remained attuned to the conversation around me. Our brief respite came to an end, and we returned to our duties. Nurses, though often overlooked, play a vital role in patient care, constantly on alert to tend to their needs.

Not all patients are cooperative or respectful; some are downright difficult. While I love my profession, there are moments when maintaining composure is challenging. And often, it's not the patients but their relatives who pose the biggest challenges with their incessant inquiries.

"Nurse Leena, are you finished here?" Head Nurse Rory's timely intervention spared me from further discomfort.

"Yes, Head Nurse Rory," I replied with a grateful smile, silently expressing my appreciation.

"Good," she acknowledged before handing me a white envelope. "Can you deliver this report to Nurse Amelia in the OB/GYN department?"

I accepted the envelope, puzzled by its significance. "Is this...?"

"Just deliver it. It's personal," Rory insisted before walking away, leaving me with no choice but to fulfill her request.

As I made my way to the OB/GYN department, I took a final turn and froze, my eyes widening in disbelief. Just a few feet away stood Bret, my husband, accompanied by a woman heading towards a doctor's room. Though I couldn't discern her features clearly, I recognized Bret immediately, wearing the same shirt as when he dropped me off.

What was he doing at the hospital at this hour?

It was past 1 o'clock in the morning!

Bret had no female relatives or close female friends that I knew of. Who could this woman be? Judging by the room they entered, was she pregnant?

And why was Bret with her?

Typically, pregnant women are accompanied by their spouses or close relatives. Bret's presence didn't make sense. Unbidden, memories of our months apart flooded my mind, and a chilling thought took root.

Was Bret cheating on me?

Nausea churned in my stomach at the mere suggestion.


Bret would never betray me.

We were fine.

We were happy.

He loved me, and only me.

If only I knew how naive I was.

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