Chapter Three

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We all enter Sabrina's home. I changed out of my uniform into some jeans and a tank top. Keeping my hair in its ponytail as I adjust my leather jacket.

"Are your aunts home?" Harvey asks as we make our way through the house

"No. They're staying at the academy, so the timing's perfect." She smiles.

We walk downstairs and I see a corpse lying on a table. I feel my turkey sandwich from earlier come up and run to a trash can throwing it up as Roz helps keep my ponytail from coming down to my face.

"Sorry, I should have warned you, Hallie," Sabrina says as Roz rubs my back as I finish getting rid of my dinner into the small trash can. I give a thumbs up to the witch as I catch my breath and Harvey offers me a piece of gum once I stand up.

We start to rub water all over our arms as I keep telling myself it's just water. Harvey sniffs his arm, "What is this stuff again?" I roll my eyes at my idiotic brother with his stupid questions.

"Ghastly water. Basically water you get from—" Sabrina looks at me and I plug my ears knowing I shouldn't listen. I see her mouth move but don't hear anything. I see her stop talking and everyone stops rubbing the sponges on their body. I pull my fingers from my ears and hear Sabrina say, "It'll keep the demons from smelling us. We have to wear these shoes too."

We all look at pairs of shoes and I put two and two together. I rush to the trash can emptying whatever is left in my stomach.

"Dead man's shoes, for only the dead may walk the paths of Hell." Sabrina's voice is muffled as I continue to dry heave. Roz came back over rubbing my back and holding my hair up. 

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